Excerpts from “Acts And Resolves Of The Province Of The Massachusetts Bay”, Volume I (1692-1693)

That if any person or persons shall profanely sware or curse in the hearing of any justice of the peace, or shall be thereof convicted by the oathes of two witnesses, or confession of the party, before any justice or justices of the peace, every such offender shall forfeit and pay unto the use of the poor of the town, where the offence shall be committed, the sum of five shillings; and if the offender be not able to pay the said sum, then to be set in the stocks, not exceeding two hours. And if any person shall utter more profane oaths or curses at the same time, and in hearing of the same person or persons, he shall forfeit and pay to the use aforesaid the sum of twelve pence for every oath or curse after the first, or be set in the stocks three hours…

What does that mean?
Anyone who is caught swearing by a justice of the peace or at least two people or who confesses to swearing will pay five shillings. This money will go to help poor people in town. If the person cannot pay the money they will be put in the stocks (a frame outside in the middle of town that either one’s head and hands are locked into, or one’s feet) for not more than 2 hours. If the person continues to swear at this same time, he will have to pay 12 pence for every bad word or be locked into the stocks for 3 hours.

That every person convicted of drunkenness by view of any justice of peace, confession of the party, or oaths of two witnesses, such person so convicted shall forfeit and pay unto the use of the poor of the town where such offence is committed, the sum of five shillings for every such offence; and if the offender be unable to pay the said sum, to be set in the stocks, not exceeding three hours…

What does that mean?
Anyone who is caught drunk by a justice of the peace or at least two people or who confesses to being drunk will pay five shillings. This money will go to help poor people in town. If the person cannot pay the money they will be put in the stocks for not more than 3 hours.

That henceforward it shall be in the power of any justice of the peace that shall have cognizance thereof, to punish breakers of the peace, prophaners of the Sabbath, and unlawful gamesters, drunkards, or prophane swearers or cursers, by setting in the stocks, or putting into the cage, not exceeding three hours, or imprisonment twenty-four hours, or by whipping, not exceeding ten stripes…

What does that mean?
Anyone who disturbs the peace, breaks laws about behavior on Sundays, plays illegal games, gets drunk, or swears can be punished by being put in the stocks or the cage for not more than 3 hours, or put in prison for 24 hours, or whipped not more than 10 lashes.