Settlement and Occupation of Deerfield

Notes adapted by Susan McGowan from: Family and Landscape: Deerfield Homelots from 1671, Introduction written by J. Ritchie Garrison.

1670-1704: Settlement

Deerfield began in 1663 as an 8,000 acre grant of land from the Massachusetts General Court to the proprietors of Dedham in the eastern part of the colony. The grant included land which would eventually form five Massachusetts towns, but in the 1660s, the area was remote and still under the control of the Pocumtuck nation.

Although a man named Samuel Hinsdale (Hinsdell) moved to the area in 1669, before the town was surveyed in 1671, settlers did not begin moving to this portion of the Connecticut River Valley in numbers until after the town was platted. A few of the original Deerfield settlers came from Dedham, but most came from towns farther down the Connecticut River Valley. Like many other towns in this area, the community was designed as a linear, nucleated village surrounded by open fields.

The main street was slightly less than a mile in length, conforming to the natural plateau, and the land on either side was divided into 43 homelots. The Dedham “artiste,” or surveyor, Joshua Fisher, numbered the lots, starting at Lot 1 on the northwest corner of the street, then down the west side of the street and up the east side, ending on 43, across from the first lot.

Although the village was well situated on high ground above the flood plain’s rich silty soil, it was isolated and vulnerable to attack in the early years. During Metacom’s (King Philip’s) War, on September 12, 1675, the town was attacked by Indigenous warriors who set fire to houses, killed a number of horses, and carted away “horse-loads of beef and pork” to their rendezvous spot on nearby Pine Hill.

In 1671 one young Indian chief betrayed his deep-seated anger when he spoke of his father, the great Indian chief and friend of the English, Massasoit:
When the English came, [my] father was as a great man and the English as a litell Child, he constraened other indians from ranging the English and gave them coren and shewed them how to plant and was free to do them ani good and had let them have a hundred times more land, than now the King had for his own people.

New England Outpost, Richard I. Melvoin

After this attack, townspeople took refuge in settlements to the south, particularly Hadley and Northampton. On September 18, under Captain Lathrop, soldiers and townsmen returned to Deerfield to retrieve “wheat in the straw” [and the corn crop so vital to feeding the Valley people in what was expected to be a long seige] and were attacked by Indigenous warriors while passing over Muddy Brook several miles south of the village. Of the Deerfield men, only John Stebbins escaped unhurt. The remaining buildings, including Deerfield’s meetinghouse, were burned.

A resettlement was attempted in 1677, but the English were driven away by Native Americans, and not until 1682, was a permanent settlement established. There were several violent encounters in the 1680s and 1690s. A stockade surrounding Meeting House Hill, 202 rods long, was erected in the winter of 1690, in anticipation of an attack bythe Kanien’kehaka (Mohawks) who had raided Schenectady, New York. The hardest blow landed on the night of February 29, 1704, when approximately 48 French soldiers with their near 200 Indigenous allies, assaulted the town. They breached the palisade without detection and stormed the houses. Some occupants resisted but most were overpowered. The attack was just one battle in a broader conflict between France and Britain, but the local consequences were profound.

After killing 42 residents and 5 garrisoned militiamen and capturing 109 townspeople, the raiders withdrew, leaving the southern end of the village (outside the palisade) untouched. Seven of the 11 houses within the stockade were burned. Eleven of the attackers died and a score were wounded. Reinforcements from towns downriver joined men of the village in counterattacking the retreating party. The raiders beat them back, killing nine and wounding others.

During the next several years, the majority of the captives were returned, although 29 remained in Canada. Twenty-six of the 29 were children, aged 3 to 17, and 16 of the 26 were female. Many of the captives who were redeemed returned to Deerfield, but some who had survived the attack never resettled permanently, selling their property or rights, and moving to safer havens, usually to established towns further south in the Valley.

Sarah Coleman’s shoe. View this item in the Online Collection.


PlaceDeerfield, Massachusetts
TopicCaptives, Captivity
Military, Wars, Battles
Native American
EraColonial settlement, 1620–1762
EventDeerfield Raid. February 29, 1704

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