“Migrant Mother and Children” by Dorothea Lange and “Out of the Dust” by Karen Hesse


Joanne Grimes
Topic/Subject Area
Agriculture, Farming; Art, Music, Literature, Crafts
Historical Era
Great Depression and World War II, 1929–1945
Grade Level
Elementary (K–5)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

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About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Dorothea Lange (1895–1965), Migrant Mother and Children (Destitute pea pickers in California, a 32 year old mother of seven children), February 1936. Black-and-white photograph. Farm Security Administration, Office of War Information Photograph Collection. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C.

Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother and Children, 1936


Students will understand that this photo prompted the government to step in and send food to these poor hungry migrant families.

Focusing Statement

Today we are studying the plight of migrant workers during the time of the depression in the 1930s. We are going to start by looking at Dorothea Lange’s 1936 photo titled “Migrant Mother” to investigate what people in the 1930s saw in this photo that made them empathize with the migrant mother and her family.

Background Information

18-B (page 80) of Picturing America: Teachers Resource Book

Examining Expressive Content

Materials & Resources

Teaching Plan

  1. Students will work in groups to create a timeline of the events that led up to the time period when the photograph was taken.
  2. Students will read Karen Hesse’s book Out of the Dust and discuss the events, characters, setting, author’s style and other aspects.
  3. Students will describe, analyze and interpret Dorothea Lange’s “Migrant Mother” to try to figure out why the photo made such an impact on people during that time.
Putting It All Together

Ask the students to compare and contrast the novel with the photograph and ask them to think about and describe how these two works of art together help us to understand what it was like to be a western farmer during the Great Depression. Use the “interpret questions” section from the Picturing America resource guide noted above to get the students thinking. Students will compare and contrast the Lange photograph with the main character in Out of the Dust.