Excerpts from “The Deerfield Town Book”

Att a legall town meeting in Deerfield March 9th 1701/2

Serg Eliezer Hawks was chosen moderater. 

Nathaniel Brooke was chosen constable for ye year ensuing:

Ens Jno Shelden: Nathaniell Suttliff and Thomas ffrench were chosen townsmen for ye year ensuing:

Tho ffrench was chosen town clerk

Mr Jno Catlin was chosen comisioner for Asesments

Serj Eliezer Hawks was chosen clerk of ye market or sealer of weights and measures

Serj Eliezer Hawks was chosen packer

mr Jno Catlin: Serj Jno Hawks and mr Jno Richards were chosen Titheing men:

Godfrey Nimes: Edward Allyn: and Benoni Moor were chosen Asesors for ye year ensuing

Simon Beaman: and Samuell Carter were chosen Serveighers of ye hieways

Ebenezer Brooks: and Ebenezer Smead were chosen fence viewers for ye north devision of Common fence

Martin Kelogg and Joseph Brooks: were chosen fence viewers for ye Reer Devision of Common fence:

Joseph Catlin: and Jno field: were chosen fence viewers for ye 3d devision of Comon fence

Jno and Eward Allyns: were chosen fence viewers for ye 4th and last Devision of Comon fence:

Michael Mitchell: and Jno Bartlett: Howards or field drivers:

The town at sd meeting voted yt (together with ye county rate for which a warrant is come from ye county treasurer) the Select man shall have powr to levie upon ye Inhabitants so much more money as will clear with Eliezer Wells wt ya are behind with him upon ye account of their town stock of Amunition ye Sum yet uncertain:

There was granted to Ebenezer Severance ye use of a percell of pines yt is all ye pines upon ye great hill or plain on ye northwest side of Carters land for ye space of 3 years for ye making of Rosen:

The town voted yt mr Williams his Aquittance of ym upon ye account of his Sallery until year 1701-02 shall be recorded in ye town book as also ye time of year when ye time of his yearly Salery doth begin:

Ebenezer Brook: Ebenezer Smead: Martin Kelogg: Joseph Brook: Jno ffield: and Joseph Catlin were sworn to ye office of fence viewers by ye select men of Deerfield as law directs: Aprill 1702

Serjunt Jno Hawks and mr Jno Richards were sworn to ye office of Tithing men may 2nd 1702

Godfrey Nimes: Edward Allyn: and Benony Moor: ware sworn Asesors by ye town clerk as law directs March 9th 1701-2

Att a legal town March 5th 1702/3 Serjant Eliezer Hawks Moderator

Thomas Wells was chosen constable for ye year ensuing

Capt. Jonath Wells: Serj Eliezer Hawks: and Samuell Carter were chosen select men for ye year ensuing:

Tho ffrench was chosen town clerk for ye year ensuing:

Mr. Jno Richards: Serj Jno Allyn: and Tho ffrench: were chosen Asesors for ye year ensuing:

Decon Hoyt and Serj Benony Stebins were chosen titheing men for ye year ensuing

Joseph Petty: and Jno Wells were chosen fence viewers for ye north division of comon fence for ye year ensuing

Jno Stebins: and — Nathaniell ffrary were chosen ffence viewers for ye reere devision

Jno Smead: and Jno Armses: were chosen fence viewers for ye 3d division

Jno and Edward Allyn were chosen ffence viewers for ye last division

Serj Eliezer Hawks was chosen packer: and clerk of ye market or sealer of weights and measures:

Serj Jno Hawks: and Daniell Belden were chosen Serveighers of ye hieways

Zebadiah Williams: and Jno Bartlet were chosen hawards

Mr Jno Catlin: Decon Hoyt: and Ebenezer Smead were chosen as a Comity for the school to hire a school-master and to repair ye school-house: and to take care that there be a due proportion of wood provided for ye school for ye year ensuing–

Decon Hoyt: Decon Shelden: Serj Jno Hawks: Jno Smead: and Joseph Petty were chosen as a Comity for ye hieway Agreed upon in ye newfort: