Transcript of “Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Chauk to Dedham residents”

Date: 1666 
Creator: Chauk alias Chaqve, sachem of Pacomtuck 
accession #: L98.012

These presents Testifie That Chauk alias Chaque the sachem of Pacomtuck for good & valluable consi=
dirations him there unto moveing, hath Given Granted Bargained & sold, & by these presents doth (for himself & his Brother Wapahoale) fully clearely & absolutely give grant Bargaine & sell unto Capt John Pynchon of Springfeild for ye use & behoofe of Major Eleazer Lusher & Ensign Daniel ffisher & other English of Dedham their associates & successsors & to them & theire heires for ever Certaine persels of Land at Pacomtuck on ye further side or upper side or North side of Pa=
comtuck river, that is to say beginning a little above where Pukcommeagon river runs into Pacomtuck river and so a little way up Puckommeag river & then leaving Puckcomeagon river runs off to ye hill Sunsick westward: All ye land from ye hill Sunsick on westward, downe ye River Pacomtuck eastward below Nayyaocossick to Pochewee, neare ye Mouth of Puckcomeagon river, wch persells of Land are called Nayyyocossick, Tomholissick, Masquomcossick, vssowwack Wusquiawwag & so to Sunsick hill, or by what ever other Names ye sd Land is or may be called: All ye aforedescri bed Tract of Land, being called by several names as aforesd viz. Nayyocossick Tomholissick Masquomcossick vssowwack Wusquiawawag & Sunsick, or by what ever names it may be called, Togither wth the Trees, waters, mea= dows, woods, Brooke, upland, stone, proffits, comoditys & advantages thereoff & there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining, the aforesd Major Eleazer Lusher & Ensign Danl ffisher of Dedham, theire Associates & successors, & their Heires are to Have Hold & Injoy & that forever, only the sd Chauk alias Chaque doth reserve Liberty of fishing for ye Indians in ye Rivers or waters & free Liberty to hunt Deere or other Wild creatures & to gather Walnuts chestnuts and other nuts things &c on ye commons: And the sd Chaque doth hereby covenant & promise to & wth ye sd Maj Eleazer Lusher & Danl ffisher, That he will saue ye sd Major Lusher & Danl ffisher, therire Associates & theire Heires & assignes, Harmless or & from all manner of Claimes of any person or persons Lawfully claiming any right Title or Interest in any of ye sd lands hereby Sold or in any part or parsell thereof & will Defend the same from any molestation or Imcumbrance by Indians otherwise than as before reserved. In witness whereoff the sd Chaque hath hereunto set his hand this 24th ffebr 1666-7 The marke of Chaque In presence of Jon Pynchon Jur Wequanock an Indian witness The day aforementioned Chaque acknowledged his V mark who helped ye this Instrumet to be his act & Deed Sachem in making ye Bargaine Before me John Pynchon, Asist