Eunice Kanenstenhawi Williams

Eunice Williams of Deerfield, Massachusetts, was seven years old when she was captured in the 1704 Deerfield raid during Queen Anne’s War (1701-1713) and taken to Canada. She assimilated into her Kanien’kehaka (Mohawk) family in Kahnawake, and despite repeated attempts by her father, Reverend John Williams, and English officials to convince her to return home, Eunice refused.

At age 16, Eunice, renamed Kanenstenhawi, married Arosen, a man from her village. It is believed that she bore three children- two daughters, Catherine (Gassinontie, or “Flying Leg”), born in 1736, Marie (Skentsiese, “New Fish”), born in 1739, and a son named John who died at Lake George, New York. In 1740, 1741, 1743, and 1761, Kanenstenhawi came to New England, sometimes accompanied by Arosen, to see her Williams siblings. Much effort was made to encourage her to stay in Massachusetts, but she always returned to Kahanawake. Her decision to return was beyond comprehension to her English family and community.

Shot pouch. View this item in the Online Collection.


PlaceDeerfield, Massachusetts; Canada
TopicCaptives, Captivity
Native American
EraColonial settlement, 1620–1762
EventDeerfield Raid. February 29, 1704