Architectural Resources

Books and Publications

Benjamin, Asher. A Country Builder’s Assistant, Greenfield, MA: 1797

Blackburn, Graham. The Parts of a House, New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1980.

Carley, Rachel D. “The Wells-Thorn House,” Historic Deerfield Summer Fellowship Program Paper. Not published. 1976.

Cummings, Abbot Lowell. Architecture in Early New England, Sturbridge, MA: Old Sturbridge Village, Inc, 1972.

Cummings, Abbot Lowell. The Framed Houses of Massachusetts Bay, 1625-1725, Cambridge, MA and London England: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.

D’Alelio, Jane. I Know That Building: Discovering Architecture with Activities and Games, Washington, D.C.: The National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1989,

Eisen, David. Fun with Architecture, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992.

Galernter, Mark. A History of American Architecture: Buildings in their Cultural and Technological Context, Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1999.

Glenn, Patricia Brown. Under Every Roof: A Kids’ Style and Field Guide to the Architecture of American Houses, Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1993.

Goughenbaugh, Michael and Herbert Camburn. Old House/New House: A Child’s Exploration of American Architectural Styles, Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1993.

Hafertepe, Kenneth. “Asher Benjamin Begins: The Samuel and Dorothy Hinckley House” in Old Time New England, Spring/Summer 1999. Published by the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquity. Available online at

Harris, Cyril M. ed. Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture, New York: Dover Publications, 1977.

Howard, Hugh. How Old is This House? A Skeleton Key to Dating and Identifying Three Centuries of American Houses, New York: Noonday Press, 1989.

Massachusetts Historical Commission. Architectural Heritage Education: A Summary Report, Boston: Architectural Heritage Education, 1982.

McAlester, Virginia & Lee. A Field Guide to American Houses, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2002.

McCain, Diana and Dione Longley. “Visiting the Past, At Historic Deerfield, the 18th century Wells-Thorn House reflects 125 years of upper-middle-class life in Massachusetts” Early American Life, June, 1989.

Miller, Peter. A Brief History of the Coleman-Hollister House, Greenfield, MA: Unpublished, 1997.

Poppeliers, John, S. Allen Chambers, Jr., Nancy Schwartz. What Style is it? A Guide to American Architecture, Washington, D.C.: The National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1995.

Proper, David R. Lucy Terry Prince: Singer of History, Deerfield, MA: Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, 1997.

Reed, Henry Hope. Palladio’s Architecture and its Influence: A Photographic Guide, New York: 1980.

Rifkind, Carole. A Field Guide to Contemporary American Architecture, New York: Dutton, 1998.

Ritter, Courtney Monroe. “The House that William Coleman Built”, Historic Deerfield Summer Program Paper, August, 1990.

Walker, Lester. American Homes: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Domestic Architecture, New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2002.

Whiffen, Marcus. American Architecture since 1780: guide to the styles, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969.

Wilson, Forrest. What it Feels Like to Be a Building, Washington, D.C.: The National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1988.


Historic American Buildings Survey
The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) operates under congressional authority from the Historic Sites Act of 1935 to document historic structures and make available to the public, an archive of records of America’s architectural heritage.

The Adamesque Style
A brief illustrated essay about Adamesque style from College of the Holy Cross.

Asher Benjamin
A brief illustrated essay about Asher Benjamin from College of the Holy Cross.

Federal Style
Essay and examples of Federal style architecture, also from College of the Holy Cross.

Loggia: Exploring the Arts and Humanities – Federal Style

Architecture for Kids
A listing of websites about architecture for kids, compiled by Simmons College.

Digital Archive of American Architecture
This archive, currently consisting of nearly 1,500 digitized images of American architecture (280 buildings) plus explanatory material covers the development of architecture in America from the 17th century to the present, with particular emphasis given to New England architectural monuments.

Architecture in Salem

The Plymouth Colony Archive Project
Vernacular House Forms in 17th Century Plymouth Colony.

Illustrated Architectural Dictionary
Illustrated with examples from buildings in Buffalo, N.Y.

Digital Imaging Project
Images of sculpture and architecture from pre-historic to post-modern times.

Dictionary of Architectural Terms
Illustrated dictionary prepared by Anne Whitehead for the Utah Education Network.

The Kidder Smith Slide Archives on American Architecture

Math-Kitecture is about using Architecture to do Math (and vice versa). Real-Life Math, Architecture and Computers!

Architectural lesson plans from Huntsville City Schools.

Architecture lessons on “Ask Eric”

Mathline – Bridge Builder from PBS Teachersource lessons

Within these Walls” from Smithsonian Institute National Museum of American History. An interactive (requires Flash) activity that traces the history of a house in Ipswich, Massachusetts.

Biography of Sir Christopher Wren
written by J J O’Connor and E F Robertson for the School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Biography of Inigo Jones from “” a website from the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Vitruvius’ books on architecture (transcribed and translated)