Domain Name Service
The domain name is registered and managed in the museum’s Network Solutions account.
All of these accounts are owned by
- DigitalOcean ( is the hosting service that provides the servers that run your WordPress installation.
- SpinupWP ( provides WordPress server management functions for the DigitalOcean droplet running WordPress that delivers your web pages to your visitors. (
All of these servers have individual admin accounts which can be established by their owners to access command lines or other management interfaces.
- Media storage is provided as a DigitalOcean Space, an Amazon S3-compatible cloud storage service. The WordPress Media Library stores all of the images, PDF files, and audio files on American Centuries here. (A part of this Space is also being used by the Lucy Terry Prince website to store images.)
- is a DigitalOcean Droplet, a virtual server on the Internet. Its operating system is Ubuntu, a version of linux. Its purpose is to serve media files from your DigitalOcean Space to your website visitors. It runs Cantaloupe, a IIIF image server for processing image requests. It runs nginx, a web server, to serve PDF and audio files, as well as processed images, which it reverse proxies from Cantaloupe.
- is a DigitalOcean Droplet, a virtual server on the Internet. Its operating system is Ubuntu, a version of linux. Its purpose is to provide your staff with the WordPress content management system and to serve WordPress content to your website visitors. It runs WordPress, including a collection of plugins which provide additional features, and nginx, to serve web pages generated by WordPress.
SpinupWP is a modern cloud server control panel designed to manage WordPress sites. It is used to manage the server. You could do everything that SpinupWP does for you, but you wouldn’t do it as well or as automatically, and you would have to have much more knowledge of WordPress and linux than you do. Before attempting any system administration task on, check to see whether SpinupWP can manage that task for you, and if it can, use it.