Exhibit Item Pages

Page Title: You can title each item to suit your needs. For the Turns exhibit, we used the exhibit item’s topic, followed by a colon, then its title; example: “Working: Servant for Life”; this enabled a site visitor to compare topics across time.

Page content: write a brief label that illuminates how this item helps explain the central ideas or themes of your exhibit.

Item image: to select the image of the item, use the “Exhibit Item” field: search for the correct item using a distinctive word from the item’s title; for example, if the item is “Advertisement in “The Boston Weekly Post-Boy” newspaper” you might search for “Post-Boy” or “Weekly”. Once you’ve identified the correct Collection Item from your search, clicking on it in the left-hand pane will select it and it will appear in the right-hand pane. When the published page is displayed, the item automatically will include its title and a link to its Collection Item page.

Right column and metadata fields

  • template: Exhibit Item
  • category: Exhibit
  • featured image: use the same image as you used in the page content area above
  • excerpt: write a short excerpt.
  • parent page: choose the appropriate exhibit, theme and turn; for example “African Americans: 1690 – 1720”
  • order: this will put the exhibit items into the desired sequence on the exhibit section page
  • topic: select appropriate topic(s)
  • place – put a place if it’s relevant
  • event – only if relevant
  • era – choose the era that best matches the time period of your exhibit topic
  • grade level – none, don’t enter anything
  • related items: select illuminating related items; remember to also add essays, lessons, activities etc if you can think of good candidates
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