Any page in the website that can appear in a menu or in the list of search results on the Search|Find page needs a featured image. This image is used by the website as the menu thumbnail. The website automatically crops the original image to a smaller, square format file.
Featured images for any page needs to be a collection item image except for activity pages such as Dress Up. Pages that require featured images are:
- Collection Item pages
- Essay pages
- Activity pages
- Exhibit pages
- Topic Sets pages
Pages that DO NOT require featured images are:
- Top-level Menu pages (e.g.: Activities main menu)
- Lesson pages and pages that serve as Related Material to lesson
- People, Places & Events pages
- “About this Website” or “Credits” type pages
Collection Item Pages
For Collection Item pages, the featured image is set automatically and is the first image of the item if the item has multiple pages or views. In some cases the item doesn’t lend itself to being cropped to a square — think of a long thin musket or a broom, the resulting thumbnail image would end up looking like a thin line! For these few items you might need to create a strategically cropped square image file, upload it to the media library and replace the default featured image with your improved file.
Non-Collection Item Pages
For other pages, you need to select the featured image from the Media Library. To do this, from the right hand column, making sure you have the “Page” tab selected, not the “Block” tab, hover over the image at the top of the column:
This will give you the options to replace an existing featured image from the Media Library or for a newly created page, to select the featured image from Media Library.