Person pages use the following page properties, which are set in the right-hand column:
- Template: Oral History Person
- Category: “Activity” and “Oral History”
- Place: select whatever is appropriate
- Featured image: use the same image as in the page content (see item #2 in the list below)
- Excerpt: use the blurb from the First Person main menu page in the old Centuries website.
- Parent Page: use First Person Oral Histories
- Order: follow the sequence from the old website
Person Pages are comprised of the following elements, all copied from the old Centuries website:
- person’s name
- image or video
- subtitle to the person’s overall oral history
- introductory paragraph
- menu of story pages
- timeline of person’s life
- list of resources
- metadata
- related items
Person’s Name
Copy in person’s name as the page title.
From the Media library, select the correct image or video. It should be the same image or video as the old site’s person page unless that image isn’t available in which case you’ll need to create a good substitute.
The subtitle can be found on both the First Person main menu page in the old website, or on the person page on the old site. Use H2 heading for this text.
Intro Paragraph
Copy the introductory paragraph from the person’s page on the old website. Don’t include the link to their timeline.
Menu of Stories
This menu is generated automatically once the person’s story pages are created. If the story pages are not appearing it’s most likely that their parent page has been incorrectly set.
To create the timeline accordion dropdown, select and copy all the text from the appropriate timeline on the old website. Paste this text into the first “Accordion Content” field. In the first Accordion Title field, enter “View a timeline of [person’s name]’s life”. View the page to make sure that the formatting of the timeline is correct.
List of Resources
Copy and paste the resources from the old Centuries website into the second “Resources”Accordion Content” field. Be sure to check formatting and follow ALL links to check that they work. If the linked page no longer exists, delete the link from the list. In the second Accordion Title field, enter “View resources for [person’s name]’s oral history”.
Metadata and Related Items
Enter the appropriate values into the metadata fields. Person pages don’t include Related Items.