The People, Places & Events feature is intended to serve as a mini-encyclopedia for the American Centuries website. These brief entries provide website visitors with quick reference information. When creating a new People, Places or Events entry, please limit yourself to addressing the person, event or place of the entry. If you need a broader canvas, consider creating an essay instead.
The title should be the person’s name, the place name or the name of the event. For places use the town and state separated by a comma. For events include the date(s) of the event in parenthesis following the name of the event, eg: “American Revolution (1775–1783).
use the People, Places, Events template
Featured Image
select an appropriate collection item image; this image appears on the P,P&E item page.
write a short, one sentence blurb; this text appears on the P,P&E menu page.
use People Places and Event category and the appropriate sub-category:
Parent Page
set “People, Places and Events” as the the parent page.
Other Metadata
Enter the appropriate information for:
- Places: limit selections to the places of most importance to the entry; no need to be exhaustive
- Dates: for a person enter their birth and death dates, for an event enter the beginning and ending date, no dates needed for places.
- Topics: enter appropriate topics
- Eras: enter appropriate eras; for people don’t enter every era that their life dates overlap with, rather use the relevant eras that connect with their important events and contributions.
- Events: enter appropriate, relevant events
- Related Items: look for content items from all types of pages — collection items, essays, lesson, activities and other People, Places and Events.