Tool Demos

Create a video and upload it to PVMA’s YouTube channel.

Title: write a title that conforms to the style and content of the other Tool Demos.

Intro: create a paragraph block and write a one or two sentence blurb. This text will appear above the video. Follow the paragraph block by a spacer block that is 40px tall.

Video: Insert a video block and paste in the URL to the video that’s been uploaded to YouTube.

Transcript: add a paragraph block and copy in the text of the video’s transcription

Template: Activity Item

Category: “Activity” and “Tool Demo”

Featured image: use the tool’s collection item image. If this image doesn’t work well as a square thumbnail, you’ll need to use image editing software to improve it.

Excerpt: no need for an excerpt.

Parent Page: Tool Demos

Metadata: apply the appropriate metadata

Related Items: include the collection item that’s being demonstrated in the video along with other appropriately related items on the website.

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