Excerpts about Queen Anne’s War from The History Of Deerfield, Vol. I

For the Lesson “Queen Anne’s War And Its Impact On Deerfield”

Excerpts from
The History Of Deerfield, Vol. I
by George Sheldon, 1895, pg. 283

Sept. 16, 1701, exiled James II. of England died in France, where his son, the “Pretender”, was at once proclaimed King of England, by the French monarch, Louis XIV. William III. of England, resenting this insult and threat, formed a strong alliance with Austria and other powers against France, but he died soon after, March 8, 1702. His successor, Queen Anne, declared war against France May 4, 1702, and for more than ten years Europe was convulsed to its center in a conflict to establish a balance of civil and ecclesiastical power. The scent of blood crossed the sea, and the English colonies soon felt the fury of Romish zeal and savage ferocity.

What that means:
On Sept. 16, 1701, James II of England died in France where he had been living since he had been kicked out of England. His son, known as “The Pretender”, was also living France, and was then named King of England by the French King, Louis XIV. This angered William II of England who thought he should be king. He joined up with Austria and other powers to fight France but he soon died in March of 1702. For more than 10 years Europe fought over this matter. The fighting spilled over to the English colonies in North America too.