A Ball for George!


Sunday Burke
Topic/Subject Area
Organizations, Associations, Societies, Clubs; Home Life, Household Items, Furniture; Clothing, Textile, Fashion, Costume; Art, Music, Literature, Crafts; Death, Cemeteries, Monuments, Memorials
Historical Era
The New Nation, 1784–1815
Grade Level
Elementary (K–5), Middle School (6–8), High School (9–12)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Students will create an invitation to a Washington’s Ball. They will read, practice, and give toasts to the first president, after learning the proper elocution and posture of the late 1700s. Students will understand that Americans in the late 18th century and early 19th century held the first president in high esteem.

Materials & Resources

From the Collection:

Teaching Plan

  1. After looking at a copy of a Washington Ball invitation from the Digital Collection, have students re-create one for their own Washington Ball. (The Ball is a great activity to do on the Friday before winter vacation, as it usually coincides with Washington’s Birthday.)Hand out the picture of Mount Vernon and the Washington Memorial from the Digital Collection. Discuss these artifacts and how they depict the grand life of our first president. Make references to “Greek Revival”.
  2. Pass out list of toasts and have students read through them, choosing one they would like to learn and read aloud. Lists of Toasts: 1)To Washington – long may he live in our minds, our hearts to possess, and freedom still call him her own. 2)To Washington – the mightiest name on earth. To add brightness to the sun, or more glory to that name is impossible! 3)’Tis Washington’s health – for he is our glory and pride. 4)To Washington – There cannot be found, search all the world o’er, his equal in virtue and fame. 5)Washington – Never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make a man great. When he errs, he errs with integrity. 6)The memory of Washington – The Father of his Country – It will be cherished by the last son of liberty wherever found! 7)To George Washington – The purest of patriots – the most illustrious of leaders, a Christian without ostentation, whose life was without stain. 8) The President of the United States – May his contemplated retirement be as glorious as the setting sun! 9)The memory of Washington – May we honor it by an imitation of his virtues, and adherence to his counsel. 10)George Washington, Commander of the American armies, who, like Joshua of old, commanded the sun and the moon to stand still, and they obeyed him! 11) Washington – The hero, the Sage, the Patriot of America – He lives now only in his own great actions, and in the hearts of an affectionate and afflicted people. 12) To George Washington – First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen!
  3. After looking at the wine glasses from the Digital Collection, have students practice these toasts, standing up very straight with their feet in first position (legs together, feet pointed outward). Their glasses should be held with a delicate hand and strong arms cast outward to “take up more space” in the room. Their voices should be loud and clear. After the toast, the audience should raise their glasses and respond with “Huzzah!” or more simply, “Washington!”
  4. For an added touch to your Ball, you can pour cider in the glasses and serve gingerbread that Washington himself might have enjoyed in a Virginia tavern. (See recipe)