Transcribed Excerpts from the Account Book of Jonathan Ashley

These are excerpts from two pages of Jonathan Ashley’s account book. Page 11 dates to 1752, and page 37 dates to 1756. Jonathan Ashley lived in Deerfield, Massachusetts, and owned Titus and Cato. The work that they did on page 11 was for Asa Childs. “Childs Asa Debtor” means that Mr. Childs owed Mr. Ashley for the work that Titus and Cato did. In 1756, the two men worked for Abijah Prince, who was a free Black man. Titus and Cato were also loaned out to work for Mr. Sheldon, Lieutenant Field, and Mr. Hawks, who were White men.

An old system of money was used to record values. In the series of 3 numbers, the first refers to pounds, the second to shillings, and the third to pence (or pennies). An entry such as “0-15-0” can be read as 0 pounds, 15 shillings, and 0 pence.

You can view the original pages of Jonathan Ashley’s account book here: Pages from Rev. Jonathan Ashley’s account book

Jonathan Ashley, pg. 11
Childs Asa Debtor
Days work of Titus Dunging1 in holes for planting0150
Days work of Cato reaping2 oats
Days work Titus picking Corn
Days work Titus thrashing3
½ a day of Titus mending fence little meadow
1 days work Cato about Hay
Days work Cato picking Corn
½ a day Cato Husking
2 days Titus mowing
1 days work picking Corn & taking up flax
½ days work of thrashing 27 of oct.
2 days going into ye woods to mend roads
Janry4 2 days thrashings
Feb 4 days thrashing
  1. Dunging: using manure as fertilizer
  2. Reaping: gathering a crop
  3. Thrashing: to separate seeds from stalks by beating
  4. Janry: January
Jonathan Ashley, pg. 37
Cato a Day for (37) coming to N. Hampton
Abijah Negro Debt Decem. 1756
to a yoke of Cattle 1 day0100
1756Feb to 1/2 a days thrashing for Lt Field076
to Titus & Cato 1 day dressing flax11100
to Titus & Cato thrashing 1 day for Shelden1100
to Titus Day Cutting wood0150
to Titus 3 days Sugaring21100
May 15to Cato & 3 Cattle a Day1100
May 16to Cato & a Horse a Day1100
18to Cato plowing a day0150
June 9to Titus & Cato to How3 & a horse to harrow41100
June 10to Titus & Cato to How & a horse to harrow1100
June 11too Cato & Horse to How & Harrow0150
June 15to Cato a day to How0150
June 24Due to mean balance50176
June 25debtor to Titus days Howing0150
June 30to Cato a days Houghing60150
July 1to Titus & Cato 1/2 a days Houghing0150
July 29to Titus & Catos Howing1100
August 1to Catos pulling flax0150
August 4to Titus Mowing a day100
Septem 4to Titus 1/2 a day mowing0100
Sept. 8to half a day Titus Cutting Stalks076
15to Cato mowing & raking up stalks0100
20to Titus mowing for Shelden til 2 of Clock0120
24to Cato & the Team to fetch hay from Pasture land0120
Oct. 6to Catos fetching a load of Corn flour N. Fort0100
10to Cato & the team to bring in Stalks130
Oct. 18to Titus Draining a day100
31to Titus thrashing a day for W Hawks0150
Nov 22to a Team to fetch wood0120
Decem. 27to Titus 1/2 day killing hoggs066
March 24to Catos Dressing flax begin at 10 Clock0120
april 7to Wood0150
Catos plowing0150
  1. Dressing flax: preparing flax for spinning
  2. Sugaring: making maple sugar
  3. How: hoe
  4. Harrow: to break up and smooth out soil before planting
  5. Mean balance: middle balance of the account
  6. Houghing: hoeing