Ladders in Art and Literature


Nancy Henderson
Topic/Subject Area
Art, Music, Literature, Crafts; Politics, Government, Law, Civics; African American, Black Life; Civil Rights, Protest, Dissent
Historical Era
Counterculture, Civil Rights, and Cold War, 1946–1989
Grade Level
Middle School (6–8)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

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About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Martin Puryear(1941–), Ladder for Booker T. Washington, 1996. Wood (ash and maple), 432 x 22 3/4 in., narrowing at the top to 1 1/4 x 3 in. (1097.28 x, narrowing to 3.175 x 7.6 cm.).Collection of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Gift of Ruth Carter Stevenson, by Exchange.

Martin Puryear, Ladder for Booker T. Washington, 1996


Students will understand that the history of civil rights is both long and complex, with ideas intertwining, growing and becoming increasingly powerful over time.

Focusing Statement

Today we are continuing our study of the history of civil rights in America. Having read Frederick Douglass’s Narrative, we are now going to look at Martin Puryear’s work Ladder for Booker T. Washington, 1996.

Background Information

Students will have read The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by himself and will understand the value of literacy and education to Douglass before they see this installation. Douglass describes being tortured by learning to read as “reading informed me about the pit of slavery, but provided no ladder by which to climb out.” Literacy, obtained illegally by Douglass, was his window to freedom as it showed him that freedom was a possibility for him, but at the same time, his getting that freedom was not in the reading; he had to do that himself. Students will read excerpts from Booker T. Washington’s biography Up From Slavery and will contrast Washington’s beliefs on the role of education for African-Americans with those of his contemporary W.E.B. DuBois.

Puryear’s work of art provides an image of a ladder, but a tenuous one. Students will have the opportunity to examine what about 1996, gives the artist the impetus for this ladder, 140 years after Washington’s birth year, about one hundred and fifty years after Douglass published his narrative.

Examining Expressive Content

Materials & Resources

Teaching Plan

  1. Students will read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and excerpts from Booker T. Washington’s biography.
  2. Students will have watched sections about the march on Birmingham from the PBS series Eyes on the Prize.
  3. Students will read Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail after they have seen this painting.
Putting It All Together

Why do you think that Martin Puryear called his installation Ladder for Booker T. Washington? Why do you think Puryear would have created this artwork in 1996, when Booker T. Washington had been dead for many years?