Paul Revere’s Ride: the Story, the Hero, the Truth (elementary)


Deerfield Teachers' Center
Topic/Subject Area
Art, Music, Literature, Crafts; Military, Wars, Battles
Historical Era
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861–1877, Great Depression and World War II, 1929–1945
Grade Level
Elementary (K–5)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

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About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Grant Wood (American, 1892–1942), The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931. Oil on Masonite; H. 30, W. 40 in. (76.2 x 101.6 cm), public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Grant Wood, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931


Students will understand that artists and writers depicting events from the past make deliberate choices about what facts to include or not, and how accurate to make their creations based upon the purposes they want their pieces to serve.

Focusing Statement

Students will examine Grant Wood’s painting, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” for hints about the story depicted in the painting. They will then glean more of the story from excerpts of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride”. In addition, students will discuss why the artist might have chosen to make the scene appear dreamlike and they will examine discrepancies between what really happened during Revere’s ride and what the poem and painting illustrate.

Examining Expressive Content

Teacher: First show students the painting, without the title and then ask:

There’s a story happening in this picture and we’ll be finding out more about it.

An artist named Grant Wood painted this picture in the 1930s, remembering a story that happened a long time ago. Even though the story is true, the artist wanted it to seem like a dream.

Suggested Answers

Materials & Resources

Background Information

Grant Wood (1891-1942) is best known for the widely recognized painting, “American Gothic”, clearly one of America’s most iconic paintings. Born and raised in Iowa, Wood chose to primarily depict the landscapes and simple, hard-working farmers of the rural Midwest. Much of his work, completed during the Great Depression, lifted people’s spirits. He was classically taught in Chicago and studied art in Europe during four overseas trips he made in the 1920s. Wood rejected the prevailing European abstract approach to painting in favor of the clarity of the 15th century Flemish master Jan van Eyck, which Wood adapted to his Midwestern subjects. In addition, he chose to illustrate at least two iconic American stories, in “Parson Weems’ Fable”, referring to young George Washington, and “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.” Grant Wood’s American Regionalist style has been very popular, as it is easy to grasp and understand.

Teaching Plan

  1. Teacher: read aloud excerpts from “Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow for the grade 3-5 lesson. Discuss any vocabulary that might be unfamiliar to students. Grant Wood titled his painting, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow called his poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride.” Ask:
    • What more do you know about the story now? Let’s make an outline on the board of what happened. (Teacher- you can fill in the following information: Revere was asked to ride from Boston to Concord, Massachusetts, to warn two important members of The Sons of Liberty and the general public that the British Regulars were marching to Concord. These other two members were Samuel Adams and John Hancock.)
    • What did Mr. Longfellow mean when he said the following? “The fate of a nation was riding that night; / and the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight, / kindled the land into flame with its heat.”
    • The story and poem give us information about a very big important event that was about to start. What was it? The attack that Revere warned people about marked the start of the Revolutionary War.
  2. Both Longfellow and Wood left out some important facts about Paul Revere’s ride. First, he did not ride alone. William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott joined him along the way to help spread the warning. Second, Revere did not make it all the way to Concord. British soldiers found and arrested him. Revere was questioned at gunpoint about where he came from and where he was going. He told them he had alarmed the countryside and he knew a lot of American soldiers were coming to stop the British. The soldiers took him to Lexington and let him go free. He heard the first shots being fired but he couldn’t see who fired them.

    Longfellow might have known these parts of the story when he wrote his poem but if so, he chose not to include them. Why might he have decided to make it seem as if Paul Revere made the ride and delivered the warnings without anyone else’s help?

    Grant Wood probably learned the story from Longfellow’s poem and might not have been aware of what really happened. He said that as a kid he liked to pretend that he was galloping around his countryside in Iowa warning people about a pretend tornado that was coming. He then imagined that everybody was very proud of him for his bravery and for saving so many lives.

Suggested Answers

Putting It All Together

Look at the painting again.

Extension activities: