Paul Revere’s Ride: the Story, the Hero, the Truth (high school)


Deerfield Teachers' Center
Topic/Subject Area
Art, Music, Literature, Crafts; Military, Wars, Battles
Historical Era
Revolutionary America, 1763–1783, National Expansion and Reform, 1816–1860, Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861–1877, Great Depression and World War II, 1929–1945
Grade Level
High School (9–12)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

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About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Grant Wood (American, 1892–1942), The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931. Oil on Masonite; H. 30, W. 40 in. (76.2 x 101.6 cm), public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
John Singleton Copley (American, 1738–1815) Paul Revere, 1768. Oil on canvas, 89.22 x 72.39 cm (35 1/8 x 28 1/2 in.). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Gift of Joseph W. Revere, William B. Revere and Edward H. R. Revere, 30.781 Photograph © 2008 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

John Singleton Copley, Paul Revere, 1768

Grant Wood, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1931


Students will understand that artists and writers depicting events from the past make deliberate choices about what facts to include or not, and how accurate to make their creations based upon the purposes they want their pieces to serve.

Focusing Statement

It is said that some people thought Grant Wood’s 1931 painting The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere poked fun at Revere’s exploits. However, Wood said that he was aiming to “save bits of American Folklore that are too good to lose.” But was the story of Paul Revere’s ride folklore? How much truth was there depicted in the painting and in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride”? In this lesson you will read Revere’s own words about his famous ride and compare it to the poem and the painting to discover the fact and fiction in each. You will discuss why the poet and artist might have added fiction to their pieces. This will involve briefly examining the times in which both men were living and thinking about our society’s need for heroes. You will also examine John Singleton Copley’s painting of Paul Revere for evidence of why Revere might have been considered an influential figure before his 1775 ride. Finally, you will choose a different scene from Revere’s deposition, illustrate that scene via a piece of art or poetry, and tie it to the time in which you are living.

Background Information

Grant Wood (1891-1942) is best known for the widely recognized painting, American Gothic, clearly one of America’s most iconic paintings. Born and raised in Iowa, Wood chose to primarily depict the landscapes and simple, hard-working farmers of the rural Midwest. Much of his work, completed during the Great Depression, lifted people’s spirits. He was classically taught in Chicago and studied the great art of Europe during four overseas trips he made in the 1920s. Wood rejected the prevailing European abstract approach to painting in favor of the clarity of the 15th c. Flemish master Jan van Eyck, which he adapted to his Midwestern subjects. In addition, Wood chose to illustrate at least two iconic American stories, in Parson Weems’ Fable, referring to young George Washington, and The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Grant Wood’s American Regionalist style has been very popular, as it is easy to grasp and understand.

Examining Expressive Content

View the image of Grant Wood’s painting The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and consider the following:

Examine the image of Paul Revere painted by John Singleton Copley in 1768. Where does the artist focus your eye and how does he do that?

Copley commonly painted images of colonial America’s wealthy, leading citizens—people who did not make a living working with their hands. He made an exception here, given that Paul Revere was an artisan and was not considered to be wealthy, but Revere commissioned Copley to paint his portrait. This painting was created before Revere went on his famous ride.

Suggested Answers

Materials & Resources

Teaching Plan

  1. Instruct students to read the “Excerpts from ‘Paul Revere’s Ride’ for the High School Lesson”, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Excerpts from Paul Revere’s 1775 deposition. In 1775, The Massachusetts Provincial Congress requested eyewitness accounts such as Revere’s in an attempt to prove that the British fired the first shot in Lexington.
    • How do the poem and deposition differ?
    • Why might Longfellow have chosen to depict Revere as riding alone and why might he have omitted Revere’s capture and release?
    • Longfellow wrote this poem in 1860. What was going on in the nation then? Why might he have chosen to write this poem at that time?
    • Read the following background information about Paul Revere. Combine this information with what you learned about him via his deposition and Longfellow’s poem. Why, in Longfellow’s eyes, might Revere have made a good hero?

“Paul Revere was a silversmith and engraver in Boston and a devoted patriot. He was a participant in the Boston Tea Party and printer of an inflammatory illustration of what became known as the “Boston Massacre”. Revere was also a family man, fathering eight children with his first wife, and, after her death, eight with his second wife. After the events described in Longfellow’s poem, he served with the poet’s maternal grandfather, Peleg Wadsworth, in the failed Penobscot expedition. By 1860, he and his place in history had been largely forgotten.” (source Paul’s Revere Ride on A Maine Historical Society website)

  1. Grant Wood created his image of Paul Revere’s ride in 1931. He had achieved national renown the year before with his painting, “American Gothic” that depicted an older farmer with his daughter from Wood’s home state of Iowa.
    • What was going on in the nation in 1930 and 1931?
    • Why might this have been a good time to “save bits of American Folklore that are too good to lose”, and this story in particular?
    • Why might it have been a good time to highlight an American hero from the past in this way?

Suggested Answers

Putting It All Together

Revisit Revere’s deposition and choose a scene to depict via a piece of art or poetry. Return to Copley’s portrait of Revere and note what traits you see now that you would like to illustrate in your depiction. Consider the effect of Wood’s and Longfellow’s uses of artistic license as compared to Copley’s more accurate depiction. Be ready to discuss: