Templates and Features

Each main feature type in the website has its own template: Essays, Lessons, Collection Items, etc. New pages automatically use the default template “Page” which needs to be exchanged for the appropriate template:

Templates help ensure that the new page you’re creating has the correct layout as well as the correct features. For example, when creating a new Essay page, the Essay template will provide input fields for a featured image to be displayed along with a link to its Collection Item page, the detailed metadata info: Topic, Place, Era and Related Items.

Using templates also ensures that the design and feature set of the website is maintained. When planning new content for the website, always base the content organization and structure on existing web pages. For example, when planning a new lesson, base its organization and information on existing lessons; this will ensure that the new lesson will fit the Lesson Template and will conform to the other lessons on the website.

Documentation home
Collection Items
WordPress Administrator Tasks