This promotional picture was from the 1910 silent movie, “Ononko’s Vow,” which was filmed in Deerfield, Massachusetts, by Edison Films, one of the largest filmmakers at the time. It was written by Herbert Streeter of Greenfield, Massachusetts, a promoter and theater owner. For five days in March of 1910, a film company from New Jersey filmed the movie, something that attracted crowds of spectators. In this scene, Ononko, the son of an Indigenous man who saved a Deerfield man during a 1675 attack, follows through on a vow he made to his father by saving the son of that man. Ononko has led the son and his young wife to the “edge of settlement” – back to Deerfield – and to safety.
Herbert S. Streeter, photographer. Edge of Settlement. Photograph. 1910. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. Accessed on February 18, 2025.
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