Edward Wirt wrote this letter while in France, serving as a soldier in World War I (1914-1918). He didn’t realize that he would soon be coming home. By June, his division, the 6th, would return to the U.S. aboard the Leviathan, a converted luxury liner. Soon after, most of its soldiers, especially draftees like Wirt, were discharged from the army. At the end of June, 1919, all the major powers signed the Versailles Treaty and it officially ended World War I. There are ninety letters from Mr. Wirt to Miss Bartlett in the PVMA collection, some of which are included on this site.
Wirt, Edward Roswell. WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett. April 10, 1919. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. https://americancenturies.org/collection/l01-021/. Accessed on February 7, 2025.
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