Following the Revolutionary War, the devaluation of money and newly instituted state taxes caused bankruptcy and loss of land for many Western Massachusetts farmers. War veteran and farmer, Daniel Shays, organized a revolt against the state government with his fellow “Regulators” in what became known as Shays’ Rebellion (1786-1787). This article reported the locations and numbers of government militia and the Regulators who opposed them. Printed the day before the Regulators unsuccessfully attacked the United States arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts, the writer informed readers “it is highly probable, events of importance speedily take place.” William Butler began publication of the Hampshire Gazette on September 6, 1786, in Northampton, Massachusetts. Established to provide on-the-spot information about the unrest in the Western Massachusetts counties, the paper generally was pro-government in tone.
Worcester Magazine. “Hampshire Gazette newspaper article on Shays’ Rebellion.” Hampshire Gazette, January 24, 1787. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. Accessed on February 8, 2025.
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