This is a 20th century copy of the original 18th century letter. Twenty-six-year-old Justin Hitchcock (1752-1822) of Deerfield, Massachusetts, wrote, following the custom of the time, to ask the parents of twenty-two-year-old Mercy Hoyt (1756-1834) of the same town, for their permission for him to continue seeing her. Hitchcock explained that he was seeking “a partner in this life” and, although not planning to marry during [Revolutionary] war time (“whilst our public affairs are in so unhappy a situation”) or until he was financially more secure, he asked for their blessing for the future. The couple was married nineteen months later on November 25, 1779.
Hitchcock, Justin. Letter from Justin Hitchcock to Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt. April 3, 1778. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. Accessed on February 18, 2025.
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