Anyone who could afford to spend a dollar a year could enjoy images of beautiful interiors and learn how to create a “house beautiful” of her own. The mission of this monthly magazine was to educate women in current fashion and technology relating to domesticity. A banner announces that “east west home is best.” The banner surrounds a blazing hearth surmounted by an American eagle, symbols of home and country. This issue included and article about the Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework. The indigo-dyed yarn of the earliest colonial embroideries inspired a group of women in Deerfield, Massachusetts, to form the society. They created original designs as well as adapting 18th and 19th-century patterns.
Herbert S. Stone and Company. “House Beautiful.” 1898. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. Accessed on February 8, 2025.
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