Contract between Consider Dickinson and Gilbert Hoyt

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From the collections of PVMA • Digital image © Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Assoc. • Image use information

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Gilbert Hoyt, carpenter of Deerfield, Massachusetts, sets down on paper the specifics regarding proposed buildings on the property of Consider Dickinson, farmer. Mr. Hoyt agrees to have the work completed “to the turn of the key” by June 1, 1816, or he will pay a forfeit of $20. He will build an addition to an existing barn, add a stable, and move a cow house – all for the sum of $162, which includes all the materials. Consider Dickinson was a successful farmer, as were many householders in the town of Deerfield, and needed to expand his outbuildings on his property in the middle of town.

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Item typeContract
AuthorHoyt, Gilbert
PlaceDeerfield, Massachusetts
EraNational Expansion and Reform, 1816–1860
Dimension detailsProcess Material: manuscript, paper, ink Height: 7.25 in Width: 7.50 in
Catalog #L99.160
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Hoyt, Gilbert. Contract between Consider Dickinson and Gilbert Hoyt. March 7, 1816. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. Accessed on January 24, 2025.

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