The Exhibits feature was designed based on the content of the Turns of the Centuries Exhibit on the old Centuries website. We tried to generalize the design so that this feature could be used for future exhibits as well.
Overall Content Organization
There are three levels in the content hierarchy; each has its own template:
- Exhibit intro
- Exhibit section
- Exhibit item
The navigation among levels of each exhibit is created by correctly setting the “Parent Page” values on the sub-page; in other words, the menu of exhibit items that appears on each exhibit section page is automatically generated by setting the parent page of the exhibit item to the correct exhibit section. For example, the exhibit item “Working: “Servant for Life” has as its parent page “African Americans: 1680-1720“
1. Exhibit Intro
In the Turns exhibit there are five exhibit themes (African Americans, Family Life, Native American Indians, Newcomers, The Land), each has an intro page; example: African Americans. Future exhibits can have any number of intro pages.
2. Exhibit Section
The Turns exhibit has three sections per theme — one for each turn; example: African Americans 1680 – 1720. Future exhibits can have any number of sections.
3. Exhibit Item
Each section has three to five exhibit items; example “Family Life: 1680-1720” has five items: Gender Roles, Education, Customs, Getting Things and Child Life. Future exhibits can have any number of exhibits but 3 – 6 is recommended.