Shine a Lens


Jonelle Monaco
Topic/Subject Area
Captives, Captivity
Historical Era
Colonial settlement, 1620–1762
Grade Level
Middle School (6–8)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Through this activity, students will increase their understanding of resilience as it applies to children in the historical context of events that occurred because of the raid on Deerfield, Massachusetts, in 1704, and shine a lens on what may seem to be insurmountable hardships and challenges to resilience. Students will examine Raid on Deerfield website documents and accounts of two English captive children, siblings Eunice and Stephen Williams. Students will analyze the coping strategies of the two siblings, how their paths diverged, and the consequences of the causal event (Raid of 1704) on each of their lives. Students will portray representations of resilience through written reflection, recorded monologue, song, multimedia presentation, drama, or other artistic representation.