Arthur Wellesley Hoyt

The only son of Epaphras Hoyt (1765-1850) and Experience (Harvey) Hoyt (1772-1833), Arthur Wellesley Hoyt of Deerfield, Massachusetts, trained to be a civil engineer. He grew up on Deerfield’s main street in a house built ca. 1713. In 1857 he bought land facing the town common and built an extravagant Italianate house. To create a spacious lot, he took down an existing house and shop and moved two other shops. The house, valued at $4000, was the most expensive on the street when he sold it in 1863 after his wife died. One of his two children, Charles Arthur Hoyt, lived to adulthood.

“Plan of Deerfield in the County of Franklin from Actual Survey”. View this item in the Online Collection.


PlaceDeerfield, Massachusetts
TopicArchitecture, Buildings
Industry, Occupation, Work
EraNational Expansion and Reform, 1816–1860
Progressive Era, World War I, 1900–1928

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