“Texas. 1000 Emigrant Families” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper

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From the collections of PVMA • Digital image © Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Assoc. • Image use information

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The Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company was founded in New York in 1830, for colonizing East Texas. The company was a real estate promotion firm with agents, land counselors, surveyors, and salesmen. It did not own land but sold scrip that allowed settlers to move into the area. As with all enticements to settle, this is a glowing description of the land, climate, and opportunities available. John Wilson (1782-1869) from Deerfield, Massachusetts, proposed to travel with the settlers and aid them in obtaining their land. The Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald was the newspaper in Greenfield, Massachusetts, from June 26, 1827, to June 27, 1837. It changed its name to the Gazette & Mercury.

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Item typePeriodicals
AuthorWilson, Colonel John
PublisherGreenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald
PlaceGreenfield, Massachusetts; Texas
TopicCommerce, Business, Trade, Consumerism
Transportation, Travel, Tourism
Demographics, Census
EraNational Expansion and Reform, 1816–1860
Dimension detailsProcess Material: printed paper, ink Height: 9.25 in Width: 2.75 in
Catalog #L05.129
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Wilson, Colonel John. “Texas. 1000 Emigrant Families.” Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald, 1835. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, American Centuries. https://americancenturies.org/collection/l05-129/. Accessed on February 9, 2025.

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