Transportation Time Line


Julie Mottola
Topic/Subject Area
Transportation, Travel, Tourism
Historical Era
National Expansion and Reform, 1816–1860, Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861–1877, Rise of Industrial America, 1878–1899, Progressive Era, World War I, 1900–1928, Great Depression and World War II, 1929–1945
Grade Level
Elementary (K–5)
Creation Date
Last Revision Date

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About This Lesson

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that aspects of transportation have changed significantly over time. Students will first brainstorm different modes of travel and create a time line showing the changes.

Materials & Resources

Collection Items

Teaching Plan

  1. As a class, view items from the Online Collection listed in the Materials & Resources section. These images may be used to begin a group discussion on how transportation has changed over time. The students may then brainstorm 8-10 examples of how this topic has changed. For example, students may list horses, ships, steamboats, trains, cars, airplanes and space shuttles.
  2. Divide the class into small groups. Give each group one of the examples and have them create a picture on white construction paper.
  3. When all groups have completed their pictures, combine them into a time line.
  4. On a large sheet of butcher paper or chart paper, glue the pictures in chronological order. Add approximate year of use.
  5. Post the time line on a bulletin board and display as a classroom reference.
  6. This time line project could also be used to chart communication, toys, or clothing changes over time as well.