“$50 Reward”
“5 Men Shot in the Streets of Monson!!!”
“800 Troops See Dummy ‘A-Bomb’ At Fort Devens” article in Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“A Bedfordshire Lace Maker”
“A Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John Williams”
“A Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of Deerfield, Mass.”
“A Busy Corner in Greenfield”
“A Catalogue of the Books contained in the Chicopee Town Library, together with general regulations of the same.”
“A Century Sermon Preached at Deerfield, Feb. 29, 1804: In Commemoration of the Destruction of the Town by French and Indians”
“A Crostick” poem published in the Hampshire Gazette
“A Dangerous Practice”
“A Day Off”
“A Discourse Preached At Heath, Feb. 21, 1816 As A Musical Lecture”
“A Factory Girl” article in The Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“A Full and Graphic Account of the Terrible Mill River Disaster, caused by the Breaking of a Reservoir in Hampshire County”
“A Half Century of Conflict”- Vol. I
“A Hard Nag to Ride” political cartoon from the Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“A Historic and Present Day Guide to Old Deerfield”
“A History of Williamsburg in Massachusetts”
“A Letter from T. D. Judah”
“A Manual Containing Information Respecting the Growth of the Mulberry Tree, with Suitable Directions for the Culture of Silk”
“A New England Kitchen”
“A Plea for the West” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“A Practical System of Modern Geography”
“A Proclamation For A Day Of Public Thanksgiving And Praise”
“A Proclamation For A Day Of Thanksgiving and Praise”
“A Proclamation” published in the Hampshire Gazette
“A Puritan Maiden”
“A Record of Sunderland in the Civil War of 1861 to 1865”
“A Sermon Preach’d at the Funeral of the Reverend Mr. John Williams”
“A Soldier’s Dream”
“A Son Of The Forest. The Experience Of William Apes, A Native Of The Forest”
“A Study of Grave Stones in the Old Cemetery at Deerfield”
“A Trip To Boston”
“A Visit” in the Gazette and Mercury Newspaper
“A. Stratton” Tavern sign
“Abstract of the Massachusetts School Returns for 1838-9”
“ACLU Would Impeach Nixon” letter in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Address delivered at South Deerfield, Aug 31, 1838 on the completion of the Bloody Brook Monument”
“Address to the Ladies”poem in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Aid for Ireland” article from Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Aid for Ireland” article in Hampshire Gazette newspaper reprinted from Springfield Republican newspaper
“Albany Road Cemetery, 1696-1929”
“Aliens in New England” article in Greenfield’s Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Allies, Arise!”
“Alphabet Soup” editorial from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Alton-Mob-Murder and Arson” article from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Ambleside-After Storm”/”After Rain, Ambleside”/”Clearing off (Ambleside)”/”Clearing, Lake Country, England”
“Amendment of the Constitution the Only Way to Kill Slavery” article from Gazette and Courier newspaper
“America’s Entire Strength Is Now Concentrated on Our War Effort” ad for GTD from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“America’s Triumph at Panama”
“American Flag house and Betsy Ross Memorial Association Membership certificate”
“American Heroes” figures
“American Missionary Association Circular”
“American Slavery” article from the Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Americans With The Wrong Ancestors”
“Amherst House.”
“An Act providing for the Pay and Subsistence of the Militia”
“An Address Delivered Before the Hampshire, Franklin, & Hampden Agricultural Society; at Northampton, Oct. 24, 1827.”
“An address to the People of Several Towns” article regarding Shays’ Rebellion, in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking”
“An American”
“An Atlas of the Quabbin Valley Past and Present”
“An Old Custom” -The Liberty Pole of Deerfield 1774
“An oration delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of Massachusetts, on the thirtieth day of April, 1813”
“Anarchists Blamed for Dissension” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Ancient History of Pocomptuck or Deerfield…”.by Stephen West Williams
“And White As Well” editorial from Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Andrews Family”
“Annual Log Drive on the River”
“Annual Meeting of the Franklin County Temperance Society” article from the Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Annual Report of the Town Officers of Deerfield For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1926. Annual Report of the School Committee”
“Annual Report of the Town Officers of Deerfield For the Year Ending Feb. 1st, 1914-Annual Report of the School Committee”
“Annual Report of the Town Officers of Deerfield For the Year Ending Jan. 1st 1916- Annual Report of the School Committee”
“Annual Report of the Town Officers of Deerfield for the Year Ending, Jan. 1st, 1915-Annual Report of the School Committee”
“Annual Report of the Treasurer, Selectmen, and School Committee, To the Inhabitants of the Town of Deerfield”
“Anti Slavery Lecture” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Anti-Slavery Convention in Franklin County” article from Greenfield Gazette & Franklin Herald newspaper
“Anti-Slavery Convention” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Anti-Slavery Meeting” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Any Cowboys, Gran’pa?” cartoon on H-bomb in Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Are We To Be Polanized?” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Arming the Slaves” article from the National Anti-Slavery Standard newspaper
“Arms Faculty Voluntarily Accepts Salary Reduction” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Arrest of a Fugitive Slave in Boston” article from Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Arrival of Missionaries” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Art and Industry at Deerfield”
“Artistic Picture Framing”
“At Work” photo & “History Finds Irish in Holyoke in 1663” from “Irish Heritage Important to Wmass.. in The Republican newspaper
“Auction! The Lee Place”
“Avery Oxen” Poster
“Bad Jam of Logs” article in Greenfield’s Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Bangwell Putt”
“Barbara Reading” or “Stolen Fruit”
“Barrs Homestead 1739”
“Bars Fight”
“Be Ye Warmed” Quilt
“Beecher on Female Suffrage” article from Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Betty at the Churn”
“Bible of the Papists” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald
“Biographical Memoir of Rev. John Williams,” by Stephen West Williams.
“Black Tragedy-” editorial from Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Blacksmith’s Shop”
“Bloody Brook Monument”
“Bloody Butchery, By The British Troops; Or The Runaway Fight Of The Regulars”
“Boots, Shoes & Rubbers for Everybody at Sovereign’s Cash Shoe Store”
“Break-Through Accomplished” editorial from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Britain Gets Jitters Over Hydrogen Bomb” article in Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Buckland Female School” ad from the “Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald” newspaper
“Burly Log Drivers Up River Start Biggest Drive Ever Seen”
“By the River”
“Call for more Missionaries” article from the Franklin Herald newspaper
“Caroll & Queen’s Double Clog Dance”
“Catalogue of Books in the Deerfield Agricultural Library”
“Catalogue of Books in the Second Social Library, Deerfield, with the Bye Laws of the Company; and the Rules &…”
“Catalogue of the State Normal School at Westfield, Mass. For the year ending July 26, 1859”
“Catalogue of the State Normal School at Westfield, Mass., for the year ending July 29, 1860”
“Census of Several States” taken from Thomas’s Almanack for 1792 tallied by Office of the Secretary of State
“Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1895” Volume V
“Charles Deuel Druggist Amherst Mass” bottle
“Chicopee, On Emergency Basis, Hopes Worst Past” article from unknown newspaper
“Child with Pussies” or “Polly and the Pussy Willows”
“Children at Play” Quilt
“Chinese Mulberry” and “Persian Management of Silkworms from New England Farmer”
“Church Wedding in Old Deerfield”
“Civil Rights Report” cartoon from Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Civilization rebuked by the savage” in “Gazette and Mercury” Newspaper
“Class in Color Design”
“Cloth from the Mill” advertisement
“Colonial and Revolutionary Room”
“Committee Recommends Senate Censure McCarthy, Charges He Treated Group Contemptuously” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette
“Communication Trouble” editorial in The Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Communist Impudence” article in The Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Compliments of Green Furniture & Undertaking Co.”
“Confluence of Connecticut and Deerfield Rivers”
“Congress Jan. 9” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Congress passes $40 billion to fight terrorism” article from The Recorder newspaper
“Constitutional Amendments” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Copy of a letter from Gen. Lincoln to Capt. Shays” in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Corn Sister” Sculpture
“Corn Sister” sculpture
“Cornfield in Winter”
“Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Viriginia”
“Cotillion Party at Whitney Hall! In Shelburne Falls, Friday Dec 17th, 1858”
“Counting Our Blessings!” cartoon from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“County Anti-Slavery Meeting” article from Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“County Towns Long Alternated On Allowing Local Liquor Sale” article from the Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Culture of Silk” from New England Farmer
“Daily Graphic” newspaper illustration- ‘Birdseye View of the Williamsburgh Reservior with the Ruined Dam’
“Darling Expands Parts Manufacturing Ten-Fold Since Firm Started in 1940” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Decorative Painting”
“Deerfield Academy Cooking Class Entertains”
“Deerfield and Bernardston Accept PWA; Northfield Rejects School Proposal” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette paper
“Deerfield Centre/South Deerfield”
“Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music”
“Deerfield Electric Road”
“Deerfield Exhibit of Painting”
“Deerfield First To Receive Work Relief Allotment” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Deerfield Gave Warm Reception To Trolleys”
“Deerfield History”
“Deerfield History”
“Deerfield Massacre And Burning of 200 Years Ago Early In Queen Anne’s War”
“Deerfield Meeting House, Deerfield Mass.”
“Deerfield Men Feed London Pigeons” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette featuring WWII soldiers
“Deerfield Painters’ Original Work”
“Deerfield School Controversy”
“Deerfield School Troubles”
“Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework”
“Deerfield Street”
“Deerfield Street”- Rebuttal on Monuments
“Deerfield- It’s Early Beauty Has Never Left” article from Tercentenary Recorder newspaper
“Deerfield, Mass., Memorial Hall.”
“Deerfield, Mass., South Main Street”
“Deerfield’s Original Crafts Show Next Week”
“Deerfield’s Summer Plays”
“Deerfield” article on the death of David Starr Hoyt from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Deerfield” regarding Monument Banter
“Deerfield”- Sheldon talks about Monuments
“Departure of the Missionaries” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Dickinson High School”
“Disgraceful Outrage” article on the Ursuline Convent from the Boston Courier newspaper
“Disgraceful” article about mob at Garrison Abolition Society’s anniversary celebration from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Distribution of Personal Estate of Mr. Ebenezer Wells of Deerfield”
“Don’t Tread On Us” editorial in The Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Dovecote Aviary”
“Drama Vs. Reality” editorial from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Dropout” cartoon from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“E. Wells” Tavern sign
“Eight-Hour Proclamation” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Elizabethan Group”
“Ellis, Field hand”
“Emigrants to Liberia” article from Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Emigration from Britain to America” article from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Emigration from England” article in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Enemies of the Dream” cartoon printed in Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Erving & Wendell”
“Eulogy on King Philip as Pronounced at the Odeon”
“Evacuation of Fort Sumter!”
“Evarosa Remedial Tonic Label” from Toiletine Company in Greenfield
“Examination of Witnesses in a Trial for Witchcraft”
“Exhibition of the Young Men’s Lyceum”
“Exhibition. Westfield Academy. Order of Exercises.”
“Expansion of Deerfield Arts and Crafts”
“Experienced Girls Wanted” advertisement
“F. E. Field” store sign
“Falls and Dam. Chicopee Falls, Mass.”
“Farm for Sale”
“Farmers Help the Belgians”
“Farmers Value Polish Help”
“Federal Activities Reach Deeper Into Private Life” image from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Federal Grants Pour Into Towns For WPA Plans” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Fewer Logs” article in Greenfield’s Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Finance Report of the Town of Deerfield. 1860-61.”
“Firing the Cannon”
“First Meals Served Transients in Renovated Pullman Hotel” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“For the Gazette and Mercury” a Pro-slavery newspaper article
“For the Softies” editorial from the Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper reprinted from The Holyoke Transcript
“For the town of Amherst, education the leading ‘industry’”
“For Whom Will the Irish Vote?” article from The Emancipator newspaper
“Forest Park” in “Our Country and Its People” Volume 2
“Fort River”
“Franklin County to get C.C. Corps Camps in Four of State Forests at Once” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette paper
“Franklin Does Her Share” article published in Greenfield Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“From the Worcester Magazine” article in Hampshire Gazette on Shays’ Rebellion insurgents
“Fugitive Slave”
“Gang of Loggers Arrive”
“GAR Personal War Sketches presented to Myron E. Stowell Post No. 84”
“General View of Erving, Mass.”
“Geo. Thompson in Springfield” article from the Boston Courier newspaper
“Geographical, Statistical & Historical View of the Town of Deerfield”
“Geography Made Easy”
“George Fuller, His Life & Works – A Memorial”
“Giant Oxen” Poster
“Giant U.S. Air, Naval Task Force Begins Mining Entrances To Haiphong, Other Ports” article from Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Gilt Edged Paper” article tells of a death threat to the editor of The Emancipator in the Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Girl with Dulcimer”
“Girls Wanted” advertisement
“Give Me Three Grains of Corn, Mother” poem in the Hamsphire Gazette newspaper
“Goldwater Backs President’s Acts in Emergency” article in The Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Government Ready to Buy Butter and Beef for Needy” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Graduated Medicine Spoon No. 40”
“Grammar School”
“Grape Arbor”
“Grecian Proclamation” article from the Franklin Herald newspaper
“Greenfield (Massachusetts) Directory including Montague and Deerfield”
“Greenfield & Gill”
“Greenfield 200th Anniversary” plate
“Greenfield Granite and Marble Co.” advertisement
“Greenfield High School for Young Ladies”
“Greenfield Lyceum” ad from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Greenfield, Mass.”
“Greenfield”- Will Hutchins Exhibit
“Growth and Future of the Nation” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“GTD Makes John Grant’s Invention Known Around World” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Guilford Mineral Spring Water, Guilford, Vermont” bottle
“Gun Controls” editorial in Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Hadley-Style” Oak Chest
“Hangar Queen” ad from Aero Digest for Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation
“Hanging Stockings”
“Harper’s Weekly Journal of Civilization” illustrations of Mill River Disaster Flood
“Harrow Plays Next Summer at Deerfield”
“Harrow Theater and Hutchins’ Plays”
“Harvard Red Caught on Karlsruhe; Anti-Nazi Exploit Baffles Officials” article from Boston Herald newspaper
“Harvest Home Fair” Poster
“Hatfield Ferry, Hatfield, Mass.”
“Haying in Fuller Swamp”
“Heredity and Early Environment of John Williams ‘The Redeemed Captive’”
“High Court Bars Alien Deportation” article in Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Hill Machine Works” Advertisement
“Hints to School Masters” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Hippies and the War” editorial from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“History and Proceedings of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association”
“History and Proceedings of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association”
“History of Deerfield”
“History of Hatfield Massachusetts”
“History of Philip’s War”
“History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts”
“Hitchcock House”
“Hitching Posts Should Go”
“Holyoke Dam, Holyoke, Mass.”
“Home Affairs”- 100 Gun Salute to Lincoln
“House Beautiful”
“How the news of the Constitutional Amendment was received” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“How to Use Florence Knitting Silk”
“HYMN – For Fourth July–1826”
“I got one of ’em just as she almost made it back to the church” cartoon from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“If you Can’t Laugh, Don’t Come to See the Womanless Wedding”
“Illustrated Memoir of the World War”
“Immigrant Sweat built Paper City” article from Sunday Republican newspaper
“Immigrants in Industries, Part 24: Recent Immigrants in Agriculture” from Reports of the Immigration Commission
“Immigration Restrictions Tightened to Alleviate Unemployment Situation” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder newspaper
“Improvement In Champooing And Hair Dyeing”
“Improvement” article from the New York Ladies Chronicle republished in the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Increase in the Slave Population in the United States” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Indian Village, Caughnawaga”
“Influence of Schoolmasters” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Influenza Epidemic Continues” article in Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Influenza Returns- South Deerfield Had Severe Week With It” article from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Influenza With Us- Epidemic Has Taken Hold of Greenfield” article from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Ingenious Epitaph” a poem from Greenfield Gazette newspaper
“Insist on Having Miner’s Flavoring Extracts” Ad from Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Insurrection at Harper’s Ferry” article from the Franklin Democrat newspaper
“Irish Immigration” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“It Ain’t the Heat!” political cartoon from the Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“It Will Do You Good”- E. E. Flagg’s Japanese Pain Reliever
“Italian Vagrants” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Jeanne D’Arc At Vaucouleurs”
“Jeff Davis’ Proclamation”
“Jemima or The Witch of Bender”
“John Brown” poem from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Joseph Stebbins- A Pioneer at the Outbreak of the Revolution”
“Junior Exhibition”
“Keep them smiling”- WWI broadside
“King’s Dream Speech In 1963 Urged Full Rights For Negroes” article from Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“King’s Handbook of the United States”
“Ku-Klux-Klan” article in the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Lake Pleasant Campmeeting Guide for 1876”
“Last Furrow”
“Laws against colored people” article in The Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Leaders of March Still Have Not Attained Goal” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Learning By Doing At Hampton”
“Learning to Sew”
“Leaving for Bloody Brook”
“Legislature- slave hunting petition”
“Letter from Mrs. L. M. Child” to Friend Garrison published in the National Anti-Slavery Standard newspaper
“Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury-Growth and Manufacture of Silk”
“Lieut. Genl. Ulysses S. Grant U.S.A.”
“Lily” Chest with Drawers
“List of Grievances” poem published in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper.
“Little Captives of 1704”
“Little Puritan”
“Local Council of Unemployed Has 230 Members” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Log Drive Nearly Past Turners”
“Log Drive Nears Turners Falls” article in Greenfield’s Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Log Drive of 36,000,000 Feet”
“Log Drive Passing Turners Falls” article in Greenfield’s Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Looking West At Mount Sugarloaf”
“Lowell” article regarding cotton mills from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Lyman Street, Lake Pleasant, Mass.”
“M. Root” Tavern sign
“Mack the Giant Ox” Banner
“Magnificent Parade of Women” from “Around the World with a Camera”
“Main Street from Arms’s Store”
“Main Street, Williamsburg, Mass.”
“Making a Dam”
“Making Baskets”
“Making High Grade Tools for Industry Since 1868” Millers Falls Company ad from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Manual of Instruction in the Use of Dumb Bells and Indian Clubs & Other Exercises”
“Manufacture of Silk Not New in New England” from New England Farmer
“Map of Amherst Made For The Handbook of Amherst”
“Map of New-England”
“Maple Grove”
“Marchers to Converge on Lincoln Memorial” and “Washington Will be Symbol of U.S. Power Marchers” article in GRG newspaper
“Mark’s China Putty, For Cementing Glass And China Ware”
“Mass Convention at Old Deerfield”
“Massachusetts A Guide To Its Places and People”
“Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society” article in Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Massachusetts Tax Valuation list of 1771”
“Melrose Abbey (Detail)”
“Memorial Hall, Deerfield, Mass.”
“Memorial Hall” Album
“Mill River Calamity” from “Harper’s Weekly”
“Millers Falls Company Arises From Nash’s Mill Ashes” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Millers Falls, Mass., Millers River”
“Miner’s Lemon Standard Extract”
“Miss Harriet Martineau” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Miss Lucy Stone” article from Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Modern Crusading” article from the Franklin Herald newspaper with reply
“Monroe & Rowe”
“Montague Center”
“Monument and Sugar-loaf Mountain, Deerfield”
“More Power to the Allies”
“More Weight On Men, More Roads Through Forest Show Result of One Camp” article from the Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Morning Mist”
“Motives for Well-Doing. A Sermon, Delivered in Northampton, August 24, 1815. Before the Hampshire Missionary Society”
“Mount Holyoke” sonnet on the death of Mary Lyon
“Mr. Adams’s Oration” article from the Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Mr. Editor” article for the Gazette and Courier newspaper on the doings of the Sabbath school in South Deerfield for July 4th
“Mr. Hutchins’ Play”
“Mrs. Eunice Williams”
“Mrs. Roosevelt Rides Coal Car Into Mine Depths” photograph from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary” article in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Mt. Toby, Mass.”
“N. Vickary, Taxidermist”
“Narrative of Sojourner Truth, A Northern Slave, Emancipated From Bodily Serviture By the State of New York in 1828”
“National Ball” invitation
“National Bank of Merit” Four Shares of Stock to the Holder Minnie Flagg
“Negro Funeral”
“Negro Nurse with a Child”
“Negro Slavery in Massachusetts”
“Negro Slavery in Old Deerfield”
“Negroes Waiting at the Depot”
“New And True Stories For Children, With 100 Pictures”
“New Attack on Deerfield. By Moving Picture Red Skins.”
“New England Strike Grows All Fall River Mills Idle; President Seeks Mediators” article in the Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette
“New Home Sewing Machine Co. of Orange, Mass.”
“New Salem”
“News Items”- Mass. Petitions to abolish slave-hunting
“Nine and Ten Years Old- They can earn 40c. in a ten-hour day, but they cannot read.”
“Noon Rest”
“Northampton” article on Dealey [Daley] and Halligan from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Notice of Daniel Shays” in “History of Worcester”
“NRA Citizens Committee Told Factories Hired 225 More; Store Jobs Increase” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette paper
“Oil Cinnamon Cordial” advertisement
“Old Buildings are Moved out of Quabbin Area” article from scrapbook on Quabbin Reservoir
“Old Folks Concert” poster
“Old Hampshire Anti-Slavery Society” article from Greenfield Gazette & Franklin Herald newspaper
“Old Indian House”
“Old Indian House”
“Old Indian House” Door
“Old Medicine Man Founded Toiletine Co.” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Olde Deerfield Dolls”
“On the Passage of the Constitutional Amendment” poem from the National Anti-Slavery Standard newspaper
“Onion Harvest”
“Ononko’s Vow”
“Order of Exercises at the Dedication of the Soldiers’ Monument, Deerfield Mass.”
“Order of Exercises at the Exhibition of the Deerfield High School”
“Original Deerfield Workers Show Skills at Crafts”
“Our Dark Day” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Our Greenfield Artists”
“Our page, Harry”
“Outrages on Colored Soldiers” article from the National Anti-Slavery Standard newspaper
“Pageant Deerfield, Mass.”
“Pageant of Old Deerfield on the Grounds of the Allen Homestead”
“Palm Leaf Basket Maker”
“Parts Manufacturing Co. 1940-1953” Ad from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Paupers in Massachusetts” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Peacock Minuet”
“Pegasus of Apollo” from “The Worcester Magazine”
“Permanent Regulations & By-laws, Annual Reports..School Committee..Town of Chicopee”
“Peske-ompsk-ut; or, The Falls Fight”
“Petition of Robin Hood” article published in the Hampshire Gazette
“Pews in Deerfield meeting house first Parish- sold December 1824”
“Philip. King of Mount Hope”
“Philosophy put into action” article on Juanita Nelson in The Recorder newspaper
“Picking Potatoes, George and Me”
“Picturesque Franklin”
“Picturesque Hampden”
“Picturesque Hampshire”
“Pilgrim’s Progress”
“Plan of Deerfield in the County of Franklin from Actual Survey”
“Plan of Sunderland Bridge over the Connecticut River”
“Plan of the Town of Deerfield”
“Plowing Sward”
“Pocumtuck Memorial Hall Perspective View”
“Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral”
“Police, Protesters Clash” article from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Polly Wright’s parrot”
“Popery-Temperance” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Population and Statistics of Franklin County” article from the Gazette and Courier Newspaper
“Portraits of History- Historic Places in the Orange-Athol Area: A Fascinating Look into the Past”
“Post Office Old Deerfield, Mass.”
“Potter’s Assistant”
“Practical Art Lectures”
“Practical Instructions for Military Officers”
“Preparations for Jeanne D’Arc at Vaucouleurs”
“President Lincoln” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“President Still Hopes for Peace” article in The Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“President Welcomed- Colonel Roosevelt given enthusiastic greeting in our towns” article in The Greenfield Recorder
“Price List of Joiners’ Bench Planes and Moulding Tools, Manufactured by the Greenfield Tool Company”
“Proceedings on the Trial of Dominic Daley and James Halligan”
“Proceeds of Deerfield Bazar Amounts to over $800”
“Proclamation by the President” [Millard Fillmore] article in the Franklin Democrat newspaper
“Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court”
“Proportions and Directions for Making Lee’s Patent Mineral and Vegetable Soap”
“Prospectus of the Deerfield Academy and Dickinson High School”
“Protecting Freedom” article from The Recorder newspaper
“Protection Against Influenza” ad from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Public Lectures on Slavery” article from Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Purple Shadow”
“Quabbin Reservoir Water Starts Flowing” article from Quabbin Reservoir scrapbook
“Quakers Plan More Gifts for Vietnam War Victims” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“RA” Carved Chest
“Rabbits in the Pea-Patch”
“Raising George’s Tobacco Barn”
“Ratification of the Federal Constitution by Massachusetts” published in the Hampshire Gazette
“Recalling Irish Muscle that built Mass. Railroads” article from Daily Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Receipt To Color Blue”
“Red Electric” Washing and Wringing Machine
“Red Electric” Washing and Wringing Machine pamphlet
“Red Winter Sunset”
“Reflections on the Present State of Things” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Regulations For the Government of the Schools in the Town of Deerfield”
“Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States” book advertisement in the Hampshire Gazette
“Religious Anniversaries” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Remarks and Observations” by Justin Hitchcock
“Reservoir Disaster” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Returning to the Manse as a Ghost”
“Review of the Military Operations in the Northern Campaign” by Epaphras Hoyt
“Revival in Pittsfield” article from the Franklin Herald newspaper
“Reward of Merit” presented to Minnie Flagg
“Rivermen Reach Turners Falls”
“Rivets are Bayonets / Drive them home!
“Roman Catholic Provincial Council” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Roman Catholics” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Ruins of the French Fort at Chambly built 1711”
“Russian Émigré Revolutionizes World’s Photo Enlarging Process” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Sacred Dirges, Hymns, and Anthems, commemorative of the death of General George Washington, The guardian of his country”
“Sacrifice of Life”
“Sacrifices to Our Country. A Discourse Delivered July 17, 1864…at a Funeral Service for James T. Stebbins & Myron Stowell”
“Sally Come Up”
“Sanderson Academy” ad from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Sap Gatherers”
“Saranac Lake in Winter”
“Saratoga Illustrated: The Visitor’s Guide to Saratoga Springs”
“Say Russian Atomic Particles Falling On Japan” article in the Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Scene on Green River, Greenfield, MA” Postcard
“Schell Memorial Bridge, East Northfield, Mass.”
“Scripture History, Abridged.”
“Second Baptists Survive Difficulties Of Early Years, Now A Thriving Parish”
“Select School at Buckland”
“Senate Bill Would Limit U.S. Combat” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Senate Judiciary Approves Alien Restrictions” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Sentenced to Death” article from Turners Falls Reporter newspaper on Haymarket rioters’ fate
“Serious Riot” article regarding Irish Laborers reprinted in Franklin Democrat newspaper from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Sermon preached to 1st Congregational Society in Deerfield, Mass. and in the Hearing of Several Indians of Both Sexes Supposed”
“Sermons, No. II- How To Change Your Heart”
“Several Fathers” article re: Clay, Webster and Fillmore and Fugitive Slave Law in the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“SH” joined chest
“Share the Work Campaign Gets Under Way at Meeting” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette Newspaper
“Sharpening the Scythe”
“Shelburne Falls, Mass.”
“Shoe and Leather Dealers’ Convention” article in The Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“Shorter Hours for Women”
“Showdown Looms On War Powers Issue” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Sidewalk Begun at So. Deerfield” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Slave Case in Connecticut” article from the Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Slavery Notice” article from Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Smith’s Geography on the Productive System; for Schools, Academies, and Families”
“Snow Storm”
“Social Security Measure To Provide For Old Age Signed By Pres. Roosevelt” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette
“Soldiers in King Philip’s War…”
“Soldiers Memorial- Company F 34th Regt. Massachusetts Infty Vols.”
“Sons of Temperance Membership of Elijah Spencer Fuller”
“South Deerfield – High School Building Dedicated With Excellent Program”
“South Deerfield – South Deerfield to Have Conference on Health in Schools”
“South Deerfield Briefs- School Exhibition at South Deerfield”
“South Deerfield- The Mount Sugar Loaf School”
“South Deerfield- To Build New School-House”
“Southern and War Items”
“Souvenir of Orange, Mass”
“Soviets’ ‘Moon’ Circling Globe at Terrific Speed” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Specimen of a Leaf of the Morus Multicaulis Tree for The Silk Grower”
“Spirit of Religion Leading the Puritans”
“Spirit of the Wheat”
“Spirit of the Woods”
“Start New Gypsy Moth Campaign” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“State of Irish Poor” article in the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Statistical Information Relating to Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts For the Year Ending June 1, 1855”
“Statistical Information Relating to Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, For the Year Ending May 1, 1865”
“Stevens May Resign If He Does Not Receive Support From Eisenhower” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Strictures on Female Education”
“Students Trying to Convert Congressmen” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Study by Candlelight”
“Suffrage Canvass Success” article from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Sugar Loaf Mountain”
“Sugarloaf from Meadows”/ “Millriver Plains”
“Sunderland and Leverett”
“Sundry Items”- military figures for states
“Supplement to the New England Farmer, and Gardener’s Journal”
“SW” Joined Chest
“T. F. Library Report Says ‘Depression Reading’ Ends” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Taking Tea”
“Teachers’ Institute”
“Temperance and Abolition Celebration at North Leverett” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Temperance in Schools” article from Gazette and Mercury newspaper
“Temperance Meeting” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Temperance Meeting” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Ten Years of Massachusetts”
“Terrible Horror” article from the Journal of Industry newspaper
“Terrible Storm” article from Greenfield Gazette newspaper
“Texas. 1000 Emigrant Families” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“TFHS Students Share ‘A Day of Concern’” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Thanksgiving Assembly”
“Thanksgiving Pies”
“The African Slave Trade”
“The American Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1838”
“The American Duroc-Jersey Swine Breeders Association”
“The American Farm Book; or Compend of American Agriculture”
“The Bars- Back of our Barn”
“The Boston Mob” article to the Mayor in Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield” excerpts
“The Boy Scouts Year Book”
“The Cabinetwork at New Clairvaux”
“The Census of Massachusetts: 1875, Vol. II”
“The Census of Massachusetts: 1885, Volume II”
“The Conference at Deerfield, Mass., August 27-31, 1735 Between Gov. Belcher”
“The Confession of Judah Marsh” published in the Hamsphire Gazette
“The Constitutional Amendment” article from the Gazette & Courier newspaper
“The Country Lane”
“The Covered Bridge at the Pumping Station, Greenfield”
“The Craftsman”
“The Day-Star: A Monthly Magazine devoted to The Revival of Religion”
“The Decision of the Supreme Court” article in the Franklin Democrat newspaper
“The Deerfield Captive”
“The Deerfield Renaissance” from New England Magazine
“The Dilemma” political cartoon from the Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“The Dred Scott Case” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The Dred Scott Case” article in the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The Dyke Mill Bulletin, No. 1”
“The Falls, Shelburne Falls, Mass.”
“The Figures of Population” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The Foot Bridge”
“The Fugitive Slave Question- Who passed it?” article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The Greek Slave” Statuette
“The Hermit of Erving Castle”
“The Hero”, poem about George Washington
“The History of New England..”
“The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in the year seventeen hundred and eighty six and the Rebellion”
“The History of the Town of Royalston, Massachusetts”
“The Illustrated American Biography; Containing Correct Portraits of The Principal Actors in American History”
“The Importance of Female Influence in the Support of Religion. A Sermon, delivered to a charitable Female Association”
“The Inaugural”
“The Incoming of the Poles” newspaper article
“The King’s Palace”
“The Letter of the Law”
“The Life and Age of Woman”
“The Life of Dwight L. Moody”
“The Little House”
“The Mill River Disaster” article from the Journal of Industry newspaper
“The Mill”
“The Need of an Immigration Test” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The New England Primer”
“The New McGuffey Second Reader”
“The News from Home. Greenfield Items” excerpt on the passage of the Constitution Amendment fr. the Gazette & Courier newspaper
“The News From Home”- the Greenfield Guards
“The Old Conkey Tavern” from “The History of the Town of Amherst”
“The Old Porch” Ashfield House, Ashfield, Mass.
“The Pocumtuc Housewife; A Guide to Domestic Cookery”
“The Poles at Turners Falls” article from Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
“The Pool in the Woods”
“The Pumpkin Hood”
“The Quirlicut Company” Puzzle
“The Rapids”
“The Sabrinian”
“The Senate of 1872- Arrangement of Seats”
“The Shepherdess of the Alps” embroidery
“The Silk Culturist”
“The Slave Trade – The Administration”
“The Slave Trade”
“The Snow Storm”
“The Society of Deerfield Industries”
“The Song” published in the Hampshire Gazette
“The Sweet Little Man.”
“The Talented Sketch Class”
“The Traitor’s Confederacy”
“The Vicksburg Daily Citizen”
“The White Doll”
“The Wood Road”
“The World’s Work” – War Manual of the Great 1914 European Conflict
“The Young Ladies Book: A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises, and Pursuits”
“The Youth’s Companion World Fair”
“Threadwell In New Industrial Era After Decades of Varying Fortunes” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Threadwell The Greenfield Plant That Is Making History In The Precision Tool Field!” ad from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette
“Tis Sixty Years Since. The Passing of the Stall-fed Ox and the Farm Boy”
“To All Who Feel An Interest In The Antiquities Of New-England”
“To Hon. John P. Bigelow, Mayor Boston”article re: Shadrach and Webster’s response to riot in the Franklin Democrat newspaper
“To the Benevolent People of Berkshire, Hampden and Hampshire Counties” article on Irish aid in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“To the Public” statement from the publisher of the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
“To The Sons and Daughters of Franklin County,” with a Poem about Bloody Brook.
“To You- Who Helped Us Win the Army-Navy “E” Ad in Aero Digest by Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation
“Together We Win”
“Town Welfare Costs Far Below 1933 But Old Age Equals Entire 1924 Bill” article from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Tracing The Fall And Rise Of Greenfield Business For 14 Years” graph from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Tribute to American Ladies” article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Trolley Wayfinder”
“True Heroes” article from scrapbook kept by Celia M. Kimball
“True Stories of New England Captives”
“Turners Falls Boat Clubs to Insist on Open River”
“Turners Falls Post Plans Alien, Propaganda Check” article from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Turners Falls, Mass. Industrial Plants, General View below Falls”
“Turners Falls, Mass”
“Turners Falls”
“Turnpike Road”
“Twenty-first Triennial Alumni Association of State Normal School at Westfield, Massachusetts” program
“Two Art Lectures”
“U.S. Planes Hit North Vietnam… ” article in The Greenfield Record-Gazette newspaper
“UM Students Protest Move Into Cambodia” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Uncle Sid’s Adventure with Indians”
“Undigested Ideas on Various Cases” article published in The Massachusetts Gazette or the General Advertiser newspaper
“Unimproved Land for Sale” ad published in the Hampshire Gazette
“Union and Liberty”
“Union Republican Ticket”
“Universal Geography, Ancient and Modern: Comparison and Classification”
“Unusual Store Prices in Many Local Stores Tomorrow” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder newspaper
“Views of Readers: CD Seeks Volunteers” editorial in Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Views On And About Mt. Tom And Of Mt. Tom Railroad”
“Village Room”
“Violence Seen Probable in D.C. Demonstration” article from The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Visit to President Lincoln by the Massachusetts Delegation”
“WA” Chest with Drawer
“Wage and Dispute at Monroe Bridge Causes Dismissal of Score in Department” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder newspaper
“Wants A Place” ad in the Greenfield Gazette newspaper
“War Protest Keeps New England College Campuses in Ferment” article in The Greenfield Recorder newspaper
“Warnings To The Unclean”: In A Discourse From Rev. XXI. 8. Preacht at Springfield Lecture, August 25th.1698.
“Washington Ball”
“Washington Merry-Go-Round” article in Greenfield Recorder-Gazette
“Washington Monument at Night, Washington, D.C.”
“Welfare Workers on Hope Street Job Ask Two Packages of Tobacco” article from the Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“What befell Stephen Williams in his captivity”
“What Befell Stephen Williams in his Captivity”
“Whately Rummery” article from Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald newspaper
“Which Way to Deerfield (A Modern Mohawk Headdress)”
“White Church Deerfield Mass Built 1838”
“Why Should Suffrage Be Imposed on Women?
“Will Geer, Movie Actor, Keeps Silent on Past” article from the Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Will Hutchins Chosen President”
“Will Hutchins Manages Yale Plays”
“Will Hutchins, Bachelor of Fine Arts”
“Will Visit Native Land”
“Williams Cupboard and Ceramics”
“Witch” basket
“Woman’s Work” editorial from Greenfield Daily Recorder-Gazette newspaper
“Women and Girls Over 18” employment ad in Greenfield’s Gazette and Courier newspaper
“Women of Plymouth”
“Yosemite Falls”
“Young Ladies Literary Society 1813”
“Young People’s Camp Third Season Rowe, Mass. June 27-July 4, 1926”
“Your Red Cross” ad from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
$100 Reward for escaping enslaved man
150 Anniversary, Bernardston, Mass.-horse and buggy
150 Anniversary, Bernardston, Mass.-Parade
150 Anniversary, Bernardston, Mass.-Parade Float
1910 Portrayal of Native American Men
A call to organize Regulator companies in “To the good people of the Town of Deerfield” address
A List of Wearing Apparel, Books, &c. of William Stoddard Williams
A Moral Tale
A Practical System of Modern Geography
A Practical System of Modern Geography: or View of the Present State of the World
A Sequel to Webster’s Elementary Spelling Book
A Sermon Preach’d at Mansfield, August 4, 1741 -“The Power and Efficacy of the Prayers of the People of GOD”
A Sermon, Delivered at the Opening of Deerfield Academy
A System of Modern Geography
A System of School Geography
A. Wysocki Onion Storage
Abenaki Basket
Abenaki Knitting basket
Abenaki Sweetgrass Candlestick
Abraham Lincoln
Academy Hall and The Common, New Salem, Mass.
Academy of Music
Academy of Music and Baptist Church
Account Book of Elijah Williams, Ledger B, Vol. 3
Account Book of Elijah Williams, Ledger C, Vol. 4
Account book of Joseph Barnard
Account book of Zebulon White & James Strathern
Act by House of Representatives issued to Bernardston selectmen to hold town meeting to vote on the Constitution
Act of General Court regarding value of bills of public credit article in The Independent Ledger & Amerian Advertiser newspaper
Adjustable Plane
Admiral Francis John Higginson (1843-1931)
Admiral Francis John Higginson (1843-1931)
Admiral Francis John Higginson (1843-1931) Dress hat
Admiral Francis John Higginson (1843-1931) presentation sword
Admiral Francis John Higginson Epaulettes with Case
Advertisement in “The Boston Weekly Post-Boy” newspaper
Advertisement from L.R. Paige for Electric signs
Advertising Card from L. A. Cook & Co.
Affidavit for Wilson’s plough
African American Musicians
African-American woman sewing
Agawam Cong’l Church
Alabaster sculpture
American Herbarium, Volume 1
American Missionary Association membership of Nathaniel Hitchcock
American Photographic Appliance Corporation’s Presto Printer (Photo-Enlarger)
Amethyst Vase
Ammunition Box
Announcement of Marriage Intention of Wells & Hoyt
Appendix to “Journal of a tour to Saratoga Springs, August 1827” kept by Elihu Hoyt
Appointment of William Stoddard Williams to Justice of the Peace
Appointment to Sheriff of Epaphras Hoyt
Armed Railroad Car
Armory, Greenfield, Mass.
Armory, Greenfield, Mass.
Arms Manufacturing Company
Arms Manufacturing Company
Arms Manufacturing Company
Arms Manufacturing Company workers
Arosen’s Sash
Arthur Fuller and Agnes Higginson Fuller
Article about universal suffrage and freedom of elections in the Gazette and Mercury newspaper
Article about wrongful arrest suits by rescuers of Shadrich from Gazette and Courier newspaper
Article by Pompey on President Jefferson in the Greenfield Gazette reprinted from the Massachusetts Spy newspaper
Article on the Constitution and Slavery from The Hampshire Gazette Newspaper
Article published in letter form to Benjamin Banneker from Thomas Jefferson in the Greenfield Gazette newspaper
Articles of Faith of William Stoddard Williams
Ashley-Williams House and Wagons/ A. Boyden Hotel
Athol images from “Picturesque Worcester, Part II- North”
Atlatl or spear throwing weight
Auction bill of Dennis Stebbins
Audience perspective of Deerfield’s historical pageant
Auger Bit
Austin Towers’ receipt from the Shelburne Falls Marble Co.
Avenue A Stores
Avenue A, Turners Falls, Mass.
Avenue A, Turners Falls, Mass.
Avery Oxen Postcard
Avery Oxen Show Admission Ticket
Awaiting the Rope Pull, M.S.C.
Axe with modern haft
B. and M. and Street Ry. Bridges at Cheapside
B. and M. Freight Yard
Baby Carriage
Baby in Christening Robe
Baby tender
Bake Kettle
Ball Invitation for Stephen West Williams
Bancroft’s Agricultural Almanack
Banister Back Side Chair
Bannister Back Chair
Barbara Allen (1902-1931) dressed as a Puritan
Barlow Knives manufactured by the John Russell Cutlery Company
Basalt hoe or adzes
Basket with cover
Basketry cup
Bass Viol
Beaded Bag
Beaded Bag
Beaded Bag
Beaded Bag
Beaded Baseball Cap
Beaded crown
Beaded cuffs
Beaded Horseshoe Souvenir
Beaded Moccasins
Beadwork barrette
Bean Pot
Bear comb
Beaver comb
Beaver Trap
Belt buckle
Bevel Square
Bifacial blade with modern haft
Bill from Deerfield Selectmen for Military Supplies used in Shays’ Rebellion
Bill of sale for an enslaved boy named Prince
Bill of sale for J. Romanoo
Bill of sale for Kate
Bill to Elijah Fuller regarding cotton
Biography of W.E.B. DuBois in “Class of 1890”
Birchbark bowl
Birchbark container
Birchbark headdress box
Birchbark mukak
Birchbark mukak
Birchbark wastepaper basket
Bird’s-Eye View, Sunderland and Connecticut River from Mt. Sugarloaf
Birnam House
Birth Place of D. L. Moody, East Northfield, Mass.
Birthplace of Sophia Smith, Hatfield, Mass. Founder of Smith College
Bit Brace Drill manufactured by Millers Falls Company
Bit Stock
Black Lace Dress
Black silk skeins
Bloody Brook
Blue-checked apron
Blueberry basket
Board Chest
Boat landing
Boat Landing, Hampton Ponds
Bobbin Lace
Boston Commonwealth report of speech of Dana in behalf of Davis re: fugitive Shadrich article in Gazette and Courier newspaper
Boston Museum ad from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
Boston Tea Party Report
Botany notes from schoolbook belonging to Agnes Higginson
Bowling pins
Boy in a Skeleton Suit
Boy’s Dress
Boy’s Suit
Boys with Willow Whistles
Brass Skimmer
Brass Skimmer
Bread Peel
Breast Plate Hand Drill manufactured by Millers Falls Company
Breck, Shephard, and Clark General Store Ad in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Brick Church
Bridesburg Percussion Musket
Bridge over Deerfield River, near Charlemont, Mass.
Bridge over Deerfield River, Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Broad Ax
Broadside of Abraham Lincoln’s elegy
Broom Pounder
Broom Tying Machine
Broomcorn broom
Brown Bess flintlock musket
Building Contract for Deerfield Street School
Bulge Pot
Bullet pouch
Burke Tavern Overmantel Panel
Burl bowl
Business Letter to Dennis Stebbins
Bust of George Fuller (1822-1884)
Butter Churn
Butter Knife
Buttons and Button Mold
C. Alice Baker (1833-1909)
C. Alice Baker (1833-1909)
C. V. Station
Cabinet of Nature
Cadet’s Uniform
Calico Hand Stamp
Calico Pocket
Calipers/Sliding Scale
Camp Meeting Residence
Camp Meeting Residence
Camp Northfield, East Northfield, Mass
Campaign Banner for William Henry Harrison
Camphene Lamp
Campus During Conference, East Northfield, MA
Canal Construction
Candle Mold
Candlewick Spread
Canoe model
Capt. Moses Scott military settlement
Captain Daniel Shays’ House from “The History of Pelham from 1738 to 1898 including the Early History of Prescott”
Captain John Wells’ Company Muster Roll
Capture of Dr. Pomery by Insurgents article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Card Table
Caroline Stebbins Sheldon (1789-1865) Sampler
Carriage Lamp
Cars at Open House
Cartridge Box
Cartridge box
Carved wooden hand
Carving Fork
Cathcart Family Register
Ceramic Figures
Ceramic Pipe
Ceramic vessel
Chairback-Vine and Fig Tree
Chamber Pot
Charles B. Arms
Cheese Basket
Cheese press
Chesterfield Church
Child Beauty (Barbara Jordan)
Child’s highchair
Child’s stays
Children’s boots
Christening Blanket
Christening Dress
Chrysanthemum bowl
Church, Town Hall and Post Office, Plainfield, Mass.
Cinnamon and Wintergreen Extracts made by The Toiletine Company
Circulating letter asking for help in destroying Lincoln’s troops published in the Hampshire Gazette
Civil War Certificate of Non-Liability for Substitute
Civil War letter from Agnes Cochran Higginson to her daughter, Agnes Fuller
Civil War letter from Thomas Wentworth Higginson to his brother Stephen
Civil War letter from Thomas Wentworth Higginson to his brother, Stephen
Civil War letter to Agnes Gordon Higginson Fuller from her sister regarding slavery
Civil War letter to Ella Melendy
Civil War letter to Ella Melendy
Civil War letter to Ella Melendy
Civil War letter to Ella Melendy
Civil War letter to Ella Melendy
Civil War letter to Stephen Higginson from his son regarding emancipation
Civil War Monument
Civil War musket with bayonet made by Lamson, Goodnow & Yale
Civil War Patriotic Covers or Envelopes
Clay pipe
Clock works
Cloth Doll
Clothes Wringer
Clothes Wringer
Clothing Allotment from Deerfield to Soldiers
Coach Unloading Costumed Passengers
Coal shovel
Coal Wagon
Coal Wagon
Coat of Major Samuel Willard Saxton (1829-1933)
Cold Water Pledge insignia
Coleman- Hollister House
Coliseum Building, Eastern States Exposition
College Meadow, A. C., Amherst, Mass.
Colonel Elihu Hoyt (1771-1833)
Colonel Elihu Hoyt Military Commission
Colonel Elihu Hoyt notification to appear at military parade
Colonel Hugh Maxwell’s Certificate of Membership into the Mass. Society for Agriculture
Colrain, Mass.
Colton and Fitch’s Modern School Geography
Coming Home, SS George Washington
Commission of the Grand Army Republic Post No. 84
Common, South Deerfield, Mass.
Communication with the Spirit of his dead daughter Jane Elizabeth Pierce
Complaint against Caesar for stealing
Complaint against John Evans by Sarah Smith
Complaint of Distress against Heman Farnham
Complaint of Distress against Thomas Rose by Job Barstow
Components of a Proximity Fuze made by Raytheon Manufacturing Company during WWII
Confederate bond
Confederate Currency from the State of North Carolina
Congregational Church and Sheldon Academy, Southampton, Mass
Connecticut River and Sunderland Bridge from Mt. Sugarloaf
Connecticut River Bridge
Connecticut River, Holyoke, Mass.
Connecticut River, Mt. Sugarloaf in the distance
Connecticut Valley
Connery House, Westhampton, Mass.
Continental Currency in various amounts
Contract between Consider Dickinson and Gilbert Hoyt
Convalescent Soldiers
Convalescent Soldiers and Nurse
Convention at Hatfield article in the Hampshire Gazette
Conway House, Conway, Mass.
Conway Road House
Conway Road House
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, MA
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, MA
Copper ladle
Copy of a letter published in the Hampshire Gazette regarding Shays’ Insurgents
Copyright Agreement for book entitled “Antiquarian Researches”
Cornelius Kelley (1873-1954)
Cornhusk bag
Cornhusk Doll
Costumed group
County Court House, Greenfield, Mass.
Couple in 18th Century Costume
Court Ball Invitation
Court Dancers
Court Dancers
Court verdicts of punishment for Shays’ Insurgents published in the Hamsphire Gazette
Covered Basket with handle
Covered birchbark container
Covered Jars
Covered sugar bowl
Cradle with painted decoration
Crazy Quilt with Netted Border
Crematory Key
Croquet on Roots’ Lawn
Cross-stitch Runner
Cruet Set
Curling Iron
Cutlery Box
Cutting Ice
Cutting Trees in Deerfield Lumber Co.’s Woods
Daffodil bowl
Dam and Covered Bridge in Conway
Dance Hall, Brookside Park
Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Ahimunquat to Dedham residents
Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Chauk to Dedham residents
Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Mashalisk to John Pynchon
Deed to Zur Hawks
Deerfield – Talk on “Color”
Deerfield Academy Student Roster
Deerfield Academy student letter to Betsey Kimberley
Deerfield Academy Student Roster
Deerfield Academy, Class of 1904
Deerfield Academy/ Dickinson High School
Deerfield Grammar School Class
Deerfield Grammar School Class
Deerfield Inn and Trolley
Deerfield Meadows
Deerfield Panorama
Deerfield Post Office
Deerfield Post Office
Deerfield Potatoes Bag
Deerfield River
Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework
Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework Display
Deerfield Town Meeting
Deerfield Town Meeting
Deerfield Town Meeting
Deerfield Town Warrant
Deerfield Town Warrant
Deerfield Town Warrant on Declaration of Independence from Great Britain
Deerfield Town Warrant regarding making peace with Great Britain
Delegates from abolitionist sector nominate Hubbard for Congressman article in Greenfield Gazette and Mercury newspaper
Delegates of Philadelphia Convention article from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Delegates to the State Convention article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Deposition from the Cross
Diagram of John Wilson’s Orchard and list of trees
Dining Table
Disqualification Act broadside issued by Gov. James Bowdoin during Shays’ Rebellion
Distribution of the estate of John Wells
Ditch Plow
Division of Estate of Major Salah Barnard
Division of Real Estate of Lucinda Nims
Doctor’s certificate for disenrollment of military service for Eratus Clapp
Doll “Chloe”
Doll “Diana”
Doll “Joel Ellis”
Doll “Lilla”
Door Curtain
Door Curtain-Espaliered Rose
Douglas and Johnson Democratic Ticket and Bell and Everett National Union Ticket
Down the Slope and Approaching Hair Pin Turn
Dr. Clara M. Greenough
Dr. Frank S. Newell in Horse-drawn Buggy
Dr. Joseph Goodhue (1762-1849)
Dr. Julian Nieckowski (1915-1985)
Dr. Mary P. Dole
Dr. Rolfe S. Russell (1907-1935)
Dr. William G. Watt
Dr. William Stoddard Williams’ description of a throat distemper diagnosis
Draft cylinder
Draw Knife
Dress Sword
Drug Jar
Dyno-Mite WWII newsletter cover from Millers Falls (Tool) Company
E-flag of Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation for exemplary performance in WWII
E. C. Brown Store
Ear trumpet
East Northfield, Mass., Skinner Gymnasium
Easterly View from Whitcomb Summit
Easthampton (and Northampton)
Easthampton, from Mt. Tom, Holyoke, Mass.
Ebenezer Wells’s will
Edge of Settlement
Editorial “To the Public” on the Constitution published in the Hampshire Gazette
Editorial on “Sen. Joseph McCarthy” from the Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper
Edward Hitchcock (1793-1864)
Edward Hitchcock (1793-1864)
Edward Hitchcock (1828-1911)
Edward Hitchcock (1828-1911)
Edward Swan’s Pickle Works on the Elm Street
Egg crate
Eleanor “Nellie” M. Arms (1864-1937)
Eleanor Brown Stebbins (1875-1955) (Mrs. Benjamin Stebbins) Washing a Child’s Hand
Election of Officers for Franklin County Benevolent Societies
Electric Car Bridge over Deerfield River, Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Electric iron
Electric trolley
Eliezer Hawks land contract
Elijah Arms (1712-1802)
Elijah Williams Day Book
Elinor Francis (1929-)
Elizabeth Amsden Inventory
Elizabeth Brooks Fuller (1896-1979)
Elizabeth Brooks Fuller (1896-1979) painting
Ellen Miller (1854-1929)
Elm Burl Bowl
Elmer’s Double-Acting Butter Churn
Elsa Eager Ball (1893-1927) (Mrs. Arthur Ball) in Calash
Embroidered Bed Hanging
Embroidered Dress
Embroidered pocket
Embroidery of Mount Vernon
Embroidery: Over the Bounding Waves
Emma Lewis Coleman (1853-1942)
Enchanted Forest
Engraving “The Bloody Massacre perpetrated on King Street, Boston on March 5th, 1770”
Epaphras Hoyt (1765-1850)
Ephraim Williams (1760-1835)
Essex Touring Car
Estate Appraisal of Esther Dickinson
Estate Settlement of David Hoyt
Estey Organ
Esther (Harding) Dickinson (1790-1875)
Esther Williams’ Will
Examination Ball Invitation
Excerpt “On the Condition of Women in the United States” article from The Liberator newspaper
Excerpt from “A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington”
Excerpt from “Colrain’s Early Days” from Field Meeting of the PVMA held at Colrain
Excerpt from “Equal Rights- Condition in some parts of Europe” article from The Liberator newspaper
Excerpt from “Our Busy Town”
Excerpt from diary of Clara Alquist-Sherman regarding The Great Depression
Excerpt from James Childs Hitchcock’s Civil War Military Journal
Excerpt from Massachusetts School Law of 1647
Excerpt from the “Boston Letter” article on Suffrage from Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
Excerpt from Volume II of the Adelphi Society Records
Excerpt from W. Scott Keith’s Civil War Military Journal
Excerpt of Dr. Joseph Goodhue’s Diary
Excerpt of Willard letter to E. B. Wilson on Shays’ Insurrection of 1786
Excerpts from “A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin Presenting the Original Facts and Documents Upon Which the Story is Founded”
Excerpts from “A Record of the Doings of the Hawley Female Charitable Society”
Excerpts from “Diary kept from Date of Father’s Death- 1860” on President Lincoln
Excerpts from “Local Matters” column regarding influenza from the Turners Falls Reporter newspaper
Excerpts from “Profiles of the Past An illustrated history of Ashburnham, Gardner Hubbardston,Templeton, Westminster, Winchendon”
Excerpts from “Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave Law Days in Boston”
Excerpts from “The Congressional Globe” on the ship Macedonian for Use to Aid Irish Relief
Excerpts from Agnes Gordon Higginson Fuller Diary
Excerpts from Edwin Nims’ Agricultural Diary
Excerpts from Major Salah Barnard’s Orderly Book
Excerpts from Remembrance of Captain Park Holland and his participation in Shays’ Rebellion
Excerpts from Rev. Robert Crawford’s diary about labor issues, Haymarket and Westfield Normal School
Excerpts from the diary of Elizabeth Babcock Leonard
Excerpts from the Diary of Ellen Louisa Arms (Sheldon)
Excerpts from the diary of Elsie M. Putnam
Excerpts from the diary of George Fuller
Excerpts from the Diary of Ruth Pease
Excerpts of the “Constitution of the Hawley Female Charitable Society”
Excerpts of Ware from The 1938 Hurricane- An Historical and Pictorial Summary
Excerpts on slavery from “Anecdotes and Reminiscences . A Labor of Love”
Exhibition Ball Invitation
Exploring the Online Collection
Extract of a Letter regarding fate of the insurgents published in the Hamsphire Gazette
Extract on George Washington’s farm, and state of America article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Extracting Ice
F. H. Sprague Co.
F. W. Harness “Jeweler”
Fabric order for Orlando Ware’s store
Factories of the L. S. Starrett Co.
Family Bible owned by David Hoyt
Farley, Mass., Rattlesnake Mt. in Distance
Farm Bureau Feed Mill
Farm House
Farm Sale for payment in public securities by John Muzzy, Jr. of Spencer, Mass. ad in The Massachusetts Spy newspaper
Farming with Oxen
Farren Memorial Hospital, Montague City, Mass.
Feeding Vessel
Fence Agreement between Arms and Wells
Fence Agreement between Seth Sheldon & John Williams
Fern stand
Field Memorial Library
Fire Bucket
Fire Engine (pump)
First Church of Deerfield Interior
First Church of Deerfield Pewter Flagon
First Church of Deerfield Pewter Flagon
Fisher’s Garage
Fisher’s Garage Interior
Fisher’s Garage Mechanics
Fisher’s Garage under construction
Five Children and a Buggy
Flax break
Flax Hatchel/Hackle
Flax Wheel
Flintlock Fowler
Flintlock long fowler
Flintlock Musket
Flintlock Musket
Florida Everglades
Florida Wagon Train
Foot Stove
Foot Warmer
Football players
Footed Baptismal Basin
Formerly enslaved man gives talk in Northfield
Fort Massachusetts, North Adams, Mass.
Fort Massachusetts, North Adams, Mass.
Fountain, at the Orient, West Pelham, Mass.
Four-legged Washtub
Fourth Meeting House (1729-1824)
Framed photograph of Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation operator during WWII
Frances Miles account book
Frances Stebbins Allen (1854-1941)
Frank Dahowski with a German Field Gun
Frank Dahowski, Wallingford, England
Franklin County Agricultural Society Membership of Lester L. Luey
Franklin County Cadet -1845
Franklin County Industries in “History of Massachusetts Industries” Vol. I
Franklin County Public Hospital
Franklin County Public Hospital
Frary House at Open House
Frederick Douglas refused passport
Free-blown glass jar
French Document Fan
French Knife
Frontpage of Gazette & Courier newspaper
Frontpage of Greenfield Gazette & Franklin Herald newspaper
Fruit Dish
Fruit Knife
Fuller Family
Fuller House, “The Bars”
Game of Checkers
Gas house explosion
Gate-leg Table
Gen. Shepard Memorial Monument, Westfield, Mass.
General assembly of Rhode Island article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Geo. N. Kidder & Company, Main Floor
George Fuller (1822-1884)
George Fuller (1822-1884)
George Fuller (1822-1884) Studio
George Fuller’s easel
George Sheldon (1818-1916)
George Sheldon (1818-1916)
German Bayonet
German Prisoners
German Prisoners, Lyons, France
Girl’s boots
Girls Basketball team, Deerfield Academy
Glass bottle
Glass Bottle
Glass Dish
Glass Pistol
Glass tumblers
Gluing Clamp
Go and No-Go Thread and Plug Gages
Goggles with Case
Gospel Meeting Tent
Graham Bread Recipe from “The New Hydropathic Cook-Book”
Grammar School Class
Granby and Huntington
Gravestone of John Williams Jr.
Gravestone of John Williams Jr.
Great Chair
Great Wheel
Greenfield in a Nutshell
Greenfield Postmasters
Greenfield Public Library
Greenfield Public Library Cornice fragment
Greenfield Public Library Mutule Block
Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation Limit snap gage with bullet
Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation’s framed Memorial of WWII company losses
Greenfield, Mass Birds-Eye View
Greenfield, Mass. Soldiers Monument and Second Congregational Church
Greetings from Ashfield
Grist Mills Pond, Williamsburg, Mass.
Group of Toy Soldiers
Group of Toy Soldiers
Guardianship Appointment to Persis Sheldon
Hair Pin Curve, Showing Stamford Valley
Hair Wreath
Hairpin Turn, Mohawk Trail, Mass
Hammer stone
Hampshire Gazette newspaper article about organizing regiments
Hampshire Gazette newspaper article on Shays’ Rebellion
Hampshire Gazette newspaper article on Shays’ Rebellion
Hampshire House, Ware, Mass.
Hand Cards
Hand Hewn Pulley
Hand Stamp
Hand Stamp
Handicraft Vol I No. VII – “The Movement for Village Industries”
Handicraft Vol. III, No. 11 -“How They Do It In Deerfield”
Handicraft Vol. IV, No. 7 – symbols
Hannah Phelps account book
Harvest Time
Harvesting Vine Ripened Cape Cod Cranberries
Hatfield Convention of 1782
Hatfield, Massachusetts
Hattie Fuller Abercrombie (1860-1955)
Hawks and Arms Family Portrait
Hazen’s Store, Belchertown, Mass.
Headquarters Edwin E. Day Post, G.A.R. and Girl’s Club Rooms, Greenfield, Mass.
Heath, Mass.-On Pocumtuck Road
Helen Hawks Childs and Samuel Childs (1843-1906)
High Chest of drawers
High Chest of Drawers
High Times at the M. A. C.
High wheel bicycle
Hillside Road House
Hilltop Farm
Historical Collections, being a General Collection of interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c.
Hitchcock Family Phonograph
Hitchcock Free Academy, Brimfield, Mass.
Hockanum Ferry, Northampton, Mass. Mt. Holyoke in Distance.
Holy Name of Jesus Church
Holyoke, Mass. Bird’s Eye View from Mt. Tom by moonlight
Honorable Dana Malone Residence
Hoosac Tunnel
Hoosac Tunnel
Hoosac Tunnel North Adams, Mass.
Hoosac Tunnel Work Area
Hoosac Tunnel, Approach to East Portal, Mass
Hoosac Tunnel, Looking out from West Portal, Mass
Horn spoon
Horn spoon
Horse and Surrey
Horse Clog
Horseradish Bottle and Box
Horses and Farmers
Hospital in Vladivostok
Hospital Operating Room
Hospital Ward
Hotel Lathrop, South Deerfield, Mass.
Hotel Warren, South Deerfield, Mass.
Hotel, Montague, Mass.
House in South Deerfield, Mass
Hoyt family register
Hunting and Skinning Knives
Ice delivery
Ice Harvesting Demonstration
Ice Sledding
Identification Badge of a Raytheon Manufacturing Company worker during WWII
Illustrated Trade card of William Jackson’s Brazen Head shop
Image of Beaver
Indenture between Justin Hitchcock and Moses Church
Indenture between Samuel Wells & Jonathan Ballard
Indenture of Sarah Green
Indenture of Zechariah Gilson of Northfield
Indians Glimpse a Vision of the Future
Infant’s Mitts
Infantry Officer’s Sword, 1821-1832
Insurgents in Northfield article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Interior of the First Church of Deerfield
Inventory of Charles Hart Ashley
Inventory of David Hoyt
Inventory of Edward Allyn
Iron Axe
Irrigation Syringe
J. Wilson’s Improved Cast iron Plough
Jack Czajkowski
Jacob’s well
James Childs Hitchcock (1841-1864)
James Wells Champney (1843-1903)
Jane Marshall Wood (1833-1841)
Janet Russell (1886-1981) and William Russell
Janet Russell (1886-1981) with her cat, Sir Thomas Gray
Jeanne D’ Arc Performance
Jennie Marie Arms Sheldon (1852-1938)
Jerry “The Avery Steer” Banner at the Fair
Jerry with Rocking Chair
Jesse Bowman, Abenaki logger and basketmaker, with daughter Marion Flora Bowman
Jim Pasiecnik
Joe Waskiewicz
John Hawks paid 1714, promisory note to John Pynchon
John Putnam (c.1817-1895)
John Richards, Blacksmith
John Russell Cutlery Etching and Cleaning Department Employees
John Russell Cutlery Grinding Room Employees
John Russell Cutlery Works, Turners Falls, Mass.
John Sheldon (1658-1733) House
John Sheldon (1658-1733) Snowshoes
John Stebbins (1647-1724) Marker
Journal of Sarah Howe on Shays’ Rebellion
Judy Austin or “There are green monkeys in the garden”
Kate Melvina Newton Wiley (1851-1911)
Kate Russell (Mrs. William Russell)
Kelley’s blacksmith sign
Kennebec Curve
Ketchup Bottle
Keyed Bugle
King Street, Northampton, Mass.
Kitchen Settle
Lace Making Pillow
Lake Pleasant
Lake Pleasant Cottage
Lake Pleasant Founders
Lamson & Goodnow Manufacturing Company building with founder
Lamson, Goodnow and Company, Birds-Eye View
Land lease by Lucinda Nims
Land sale between Seth Sheldon & Alvah and Zur Hawks
Land transfer, John Williams to John Sheldon
Landscape – Mill on Stream
Landscape of Irish Ruins
Large Village Center School
Leaders in Congress to Shut off all Immigration article in The Gazette and Courier newspaper
Learning to Skate
Lease (Indenture) by Orlando Ware
Lee Brothers Shoe Factory Postcard
Legal document of Debtor Joshua Sweet
Legal judgment in favor of Orlando Ware
Letter from Connecticut Valley Street Railway Company regarding Trolley whistle
Letter from Cynthia Williams to brother William Stoddard Williams
Letter from Daniel Shays printed in the Hampshire Gazette
Letter from Deerfield Selectmen re: travel of William Stoddard Williams
Letter from George Washington to resident in Dublin published in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Letter from Insurgent to Col. Clark and others published in the Hampshire Gazette
Letter from James Wells Champney to Misses Baker & Coleman regarding trolley
Letter from John Pynchon
Letter from Justin Hitchcock to Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt
Letter from Rev. Henry H. Barber to his daughter Alice B. Coleman re: Boss Politics
Letter from second headmaster of Deerfield Academy
Letter from Shays’ officers to John Brown of Whately published in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Letter from Teacher Mary Montague
Letter from the Monday Club regarding trolley
Letter of introduction for Arthur Wellesley Hoyt
Letter printed in article form to Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Banneker in the Greenfield Gazette newspaper
Letter printed in the Hampshire Gazette regarding selecting convention delegate
Letter to Aaron Fuller from brother John Emery regarding religious revival
Letter to Aaron Fuller from George Fuller
Letter to Aaron Fuller from son Elijah
Letter to Aaron Fuller from son George re: slave market
Letter to Aaron Willard regarding enslaved man
Letter to Agnes Gordon Cochran Higginson regarding slavery and democracy
Letter to Agnes Higginson from George Fuller
Letter to Agnes Higginson Fuller from George Fuller
Letter to Augustus Fuller from brother George regarding African American painting
Letter to C. Alice Baker regarding the trolley
Letter to Capt. Harvey requesting assistance published in the Hampshire Gazette
Letter to Charles Hart Ashley
Letter to Charles Hart Ashley
Letter to Charles Hart Ashley
Letter to Charles Hart Ashley
Letter to Christopher Tyler Arms from Rodolphus Dickinson on Independence and duel between Burr and Hamilton
Letter to Colonel Elihu Hoyt
Letter to Colonel Hyde from an insurgent published in the Hampshire Gazette
Letter to Colonel Israel Williams
Letter To Colonel Samuel Williams
Letter to Colrain Selectmen regarding Insurgents
Letter to Commanding Officer in Guilford from Colrain’s Colonel Hugh McClellan regarding land disputes in New York
Letter to daughter, Dorothy Ashley
Letter to daughter, Dorothy Ashley in Boston
Letter to David Hoyt [Hoit] regarding Shays’ Rebellion
Letter to Deerfield Assessors by Colonel Elihu Hoyt
Letter to Dennis Stebbins
Letter to Doctor Joseph Goodhue
Letter to Dorothy Ashley Williams from her husband William Williams telling her of George Washington’s funeral
Letter to Dr. Elihu Ashley
Letter to Dr. William Stoddard Williams from Oliver Partridge
Letter to Elihu Ashley
Letter to Elijah Dwight Williams
Letter to Emeline Ward about donation to Montana Industrial School for Crow Indians
Letter to Emily Bartlett from cousin Eunice Sherman Tabor regarding Christmas
Letter to Esther Williams
Letter to George and Augustus Fuller
Letter to George and Elizabeth Fuller
Letter to George Fuller from wife Agnes regarding Christmas
Letter to George Fuller regarding the 13th Amendment
Letter to George Sheldon regarding land title for the trolley
Letter to George Sheldon regarding the trolley debate
Letter to George Sheldon regarding trolley
Letter to George Sheldon regarding trolley
Letter to George Sheldon regarding trolley
Letter to George Sheldon regarding trolley
Letter to Gertrude Porter Ashley
Letter to Gertrude Porter Ashley
Letter to Gertrude Porter Ashley
Letter to Gertrude Porter Ashley
Letter to Gertrude Porter Ashley
Letter to Governor Bowdoin published in the Hampshire Gazette
Letter to Governor James Bowdoin published in the Hampshire Gazette
Letter to Henry Kirke Brown from George Fuller
Letter to Israel Williams
Letter to Israel Williams
Letter to John Sheldon
Letter to John Sheldon
Letter to John Williams
Letter to John Williams
Letter to John Williams
Letter to John Williams
Letter to Leon Weeks from Raytheon Company
Letter to Lt. James Stewart
Letter to Lt. James Stewart regarding Insurgents
Letter to Mary (Polly) Ashley
Letter to Mary Cochran from daughter Martha Cochran regarding Miss Martineau
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon regarding R. H. Dana et. al. and trolley
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon regarding trolley
Letter to Nathaniel Dwight from Dr. Elihu Ashley
Letter to Rebecca Jackson Williams from her son
Letter to Rebecca Williams from Brother Ephraim Williams, Jr. On Catholicism, etc.
Letter to Rev. Erza Stiles on Shays’ Rebellion reprinted in “The New-Haven Gazette and The Connecticut Magazine”
Letter to Samuel Wells from Colonel Elihu Hoyt
Letter to Stephen Higginson III from his father
Letter to Stephen Higginson III from his mother Agnes Gordon Cochran Higginson
Letter to the printer regarding Shays Rebellion published in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Letter to Ward and Annie Clarke about Communism
Letter to Wesley Watson
Letter to Widow Persis Hoyt Sheldon
Letter to Williams & Upham
Letter to Zadock Hawks
Letters to Capt. Shays and General Shepard published in the Hampshire Gazette
Liberty Pole
License for Bee Hives
Lidded Hanging Pot
Lidded tankard
Lifting Ice from the Water
Lilla and Mary Ella Childs (1854-1942)
Lillian Saxton Hutchins (Mrs. Frank Hutchins)
Lincoln and Hamlin Election Ticket
Lincoln Badge
Line of Ox Carts
List of Books bought by Joseph Barnard
List of Colrain Insurgents
List of grievances by Shaysite Thomas Grover -article published in Hampshire Gazette newspaper
List of medicines bought from Ebenezer Hunt by William Stoddard Williams
List of plants in the garden of William Stoddard Williams
List of Soldiers
Little Girl and Doll at a “Tea Party”
Little Jack of All Trades, with Suitable Representations. Part I
Log crew working above Sunderland Bridge
Log Drive Cook Shack on Connecticut River
Log Driving on the Connecticut River
Logging at the Oxbow on the Connecticut River near Holyoke, Mass.
Long-handled frying pan
Looking Down the Trail from Western Summit
Looking toward Village from Baptist hill
Looking Up Sugarloaf Street
Lot Survey of Deerfield
Lower Suspension Bridge, Turners Falls, Mass.
Lt. Henry N. Flynt
Lucia Fairchild Fuller (1870-1924)
Lucy Henry (1843-1927) (Mrs. David Henry) Netting
Lusitania Medallion
Lusterware Teapot
Madeline Yale Wynne (1847-1918)
Madeline Yale Wynne Metalwork
Mail Rider
Main and Park Streets looking South. Easthampton, Mass.
Main St. Easthampton, Mass
Main St. Looking East
Main St. looking west from Mansion House
Main Street
Main Street and Webster Block. Northfield, Mass.
Main Street Business Center
Main Street from Smith College, Northampton, Mass.
Main Street, Amherst, Mass.
Main Street, Bernardston, Mass.
Main Street, Conway, Mass.
Main Street, Greenfield, MA
Main Street, Looking North from Hillman, Springfield, Mass.
Main Street, Looking North. Whately, Mass.
Main Street, looking West. Colerain, Mass.
Main Street, showing Baptist and Congregational Church, Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Malissa Childs
Man’s Shirt
Man’s vest
Mansion House, Greenfield, Mass.
Mansion House, Greenfield, Mass.
Manure fork
Map “The world agreeable to the latest discoveries”
Map of Europe 1822
Map of the Nipmuck or Nipmuck Country compiled from a 1774 Survey published in “The Old Indian Chronicle”
Map of Western Massachusetts from History of Western Massachusetts
Maple Sugar Molds
Maple Syrup Container
Margaret Christine Whiting (1860-1946)
Mary Ann Marvin Hair Wreath and Photograph
Mary Arms at Barton Heights
Mary Electa Allen (1858-1941)
Mary Hawks (1799-1876) Sampler
Mary Lyon House, Buckland, Mass.
Mary P. Wells Smith (1840-1930) and Grandsons
Mary, Mabel and Frank Colcord
Mary: Lamson family servant
Masha Arms
Mason Jar
Mason Jar
Massacre Interior of Old Indian House, during Sack of Deerfield, Feb. 29, 1704
McKinley Sure article published in the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
Medallion necklace
Medical Cases of Stephen West Williams: Angina Pectori.
Medical proficiency certificate of William Stoddard Williams
Medicine Bottles with Case
Medicine cup
Meeting Hall
Melinda Prouty Lamson (1801-1874) and son, Nathaniel Lamson (1841-1907)
Memorandum of Zur Hawks
Memorial – 52nd Massachusetts Volunteers
Memorial Hall
Memorial Hall Bedroom
Memorial Hall Bedroom
Memorial Hall Kitchen
Memorial Plaque for Enslaved African-Americans in Deerfield
Memorial Print announcing the death of Hariet A. Cooley
Memorial Service text for Thomas Williams Ashley
Memorial to M. & S. Sheldon
Men’s pumps
Mendellssohn Collection, or Hastings and Bradbury’s Third Book of Psalmody
Mess Cup
Michael Waskiewicz
Micmac Bead bag
Military Commission of Benjamin Maynard
Military Commission of Epaphras Hoyt
Military Commission of Isaac Abercrombie
Military Commission of Lemuel Taylor
Military Commission of Lt. Colonel Joseph Stebbins (1749-1816)
Military Commission of Seth Nims
Military Firearm Log for Shays’ Rebellion
Military letter regarding men, arms, and clothing
Military Roster (Alarm List)
Milk Bottle
Milk Bottle
Milk Bottle
Milk Pan
Mill River School Group
Millers Falls Company’s Micrometer with box
Miniature Chest of Drawers
Minister Leading Puritans
Mint Industry from “The History of the Town of Ashfield”
Minute Tapioca factory
Mitch Mieczkowski
Mitch Mieczkowski
Mitchell’s Primary Geography. An Easy Introduction to the Study of Geography
Mohawk Trail explanatory text
Mohawk Trail Whitcomb Summit House and Gift Shop
Moody Homestead
Moonlight View of Orange, Mass.
Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and Pestle
Mortgage Deed to Esther (Harding) Dickinson
Mosaic or Honeycomb Quilt
Mount Hermon, Mass., Mount Hermon Chapel
Mount Hermon, Mass., Science and Recitation Halls
Mount Holyoke Female Seminary article from Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Mount Sugar Loaf, South Deerfield, Mass.
Mount Sugarloaf Summit House
Mountain Park and Mt. Tom by Night, Holyoke, Mass.
Mrs. Benjamin Stebbins’ Son Climbing a Tree
Mrs. Esther Williams’ inventory
Mt. Sugar Loaf
Mt. Sugar Loaf Summit House
Mt. Sugar Loaf, South Deerfield, Mass.
Mt. Sugar Loaf, South Deerfield, Mass.
Mt. Sugarloaf
Mt. Sugarloaf
Mt. Sugarloaf
Mt. Sugarloaf
Mt. Sugarloaf
Mt. Sugarloaf and Trolley
Mt. Sugarloaf from the south
Mt. Sugarloaf House
Mt. Sugarloaf showing King Philip’s Seat
Mt. Sugarloaf with farmer
Mt. Toby, Montague, Mass.
Mt. Tom Railway and Summit House
Multiple articles from The New-Haven Gazette and The Connecticut Magazine newspaper regarding Shays’ Rebellion
My First Automobile
Naomi Lyman Arms (1739-1818)
Nathan Loomis’ Copy Book
Nathan Negus (1801-1825)
Nathan Tufts
Nathaniel Lamson (1805-1866)
Native Americans praying
Native Carrying Captive, Eunice Williams
Navigating Cut Ice
Nazi statement from Millers Falls Company employee
Neck Yoke
New England Captives Carried to Canada
New England Primer
New England Views on Boston and Maine R.R., Deerfield Valley
New Entrance to the Live Wire Fair
New Home Sewing Machine Company Birds-Eye View
New Home Sewing Machine with attachments distributed by Priscilla Needlework Company
Newspaper article from the Hampshire Gazette regarding the court
Niagara Falls needle case
Niagara Falls pincushion
Nichols family’s first automobile
No. 4-Bridge Street Shelburne Falls, Mass.
No.3A Folding Pocket Kodak Camera
Noah’s Ark
Norcross Bros. Stone Yard, East Longmeadow, Mass.
North Adams, Mass., Eastern Portal, Hoosac Tunnel
Northampton (and Easthampton)
Northampton, Mass. Glimpse of Main Street, showing Draper Hotel
Northampton, Mass., Insane Hospital, Drive-way and Entrance
Notched Abrading Stone (Sinew Stone)
Notes from Deerfield Town Meeting
Notice of non-payment of taxes from Conway article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Notice to General Shepard regarding disarming his militia published in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Notification to Consider Dickinson
Nurse’s Dress
Nurses Dress Uniform
Nursing Class of Julia Diadema Sophronia Snow (1891-1984)
Nutmeg Grater
Oakman Motor Vehicle Company Advertisement
Oath of Allegiance [Faith]
Oath of Allegiance of Isaac Abercrombie
Oath of Allegiance of Ruben Graves
Obadiah Foot’s request to organize a Regulator company in “To the good People of the Town of Deerfield” article
Officers of the 44th Massachusetts Regiment Volunteers
Official Ballot for Shelburne
Official Bulletin of the Mohawk Klan
Oil lamps
Old Caleb Hubbard Tavern, at Plumtrees. Sunderland-First Home of Pacific Lodge, 1801
Old Green River Mill
Old Hadley, Mass. Elmwood House and Old Church
Old House in Essex, MA
Old Indian House Arm Chair
Old Indian House Door on Exhibit
Old Meeting House from Pelham Bicentennial Celebration, 1743-1946
Old State House and Midway, Eastern States Expo.
Old Stone Mill, Turner’s Falls, Mass.
Old Tavern Sign, Blandford
On the way to School
One-Room School in Wapping
Onion Pickers
Onion Shovel
Orange Square Looking South
Order and results of physical exam on Thomas Williams Ashley
Order for provisions for governmental troops during Shays’ Rebellion
Organdy Dress
Orra White Hitchcock (1796-1863)
Otterskin Bag
Over the Hoosac Tunnel, Mohawk Trail, Mass.
Ox Yoke
Page from Amasa Jones diary regarding Mill River Disaster Flood
Page from Josiah Allen diary regarding Mill River Disaster Flood
Page from Proprietors of the Common Field in Deerfield
Page from the “Franklin H. Williams Diary from 1852 to 1891”
Pages from “A New Pictorial History of Greenfield” on railroads
Pages from “Home and Community Hygiene- A Text-book of Personal and Public Health”
Pages from “The Great South: A Record of Journeys” on cotton statistics in U.S.
Pages from “Those Green River Knives”
Pages from Elijah Williams (Old Soldier’s) account book, Vol. 2
Pages from John Partridge Bull’s account book
Pages from John Williams Daybook
Pages from Journal of Dr. Elihu Ashley
Pages from Rev. Jonathan Ashley’s account book
Pages from the “Annals of Chicopee Street Records and Reminiscences of an Old New England Parish..”
Pages from the “Records of the Female Benevolent Society of the Town of Deerfield”
Pages from the Annual Report of the Treasurer, Selectmen, and School Committee to the Inhabitants of the Town of Deerfield
Pages from the diary of Martha Cochran
Pages from the Diary of Samuel King
Pages from the second Journal of Sarah Howe on Shays’ Rebellion
Pages from Williams & Upham account book
Pages on Communism from “The Challenge to Liberty”
Paint Pigments
Painted Tobacco Bag
Painting of J. Russell & Company Green River Works in 1834
Painting of Millers Falls Company
Pair of stone heads
Pair of wrought iron candelabrum
Palm Leaf Basket
Park Square, Westfield, Mass.
Parks House, John Chaplin, Prop. Huntington, Mass.
Partial Civil War letter from Annie Higginson to her sister, Agnes Fuller
Partial letter to Louisa Higginson from son regarding politics and slavery
Partial sample of Saleman’s Kit marketed by Threadwell Tap and Die Company
Parts Manufacturing Company 3 dimensional airplane part
Parts Manufacturing Company Memorial Plaque of WWII losses
Pastoral Letter excerpted from “Good Fetch’d Out of Evil”
Patch Box
Patent application for J. Wilson’s plow
Patent Model of Plow
Peabody Room
Pencil Pointer
Peony Quilt
Perforators with modern haft
Persis Hoyt Sheldon Scallop-Top Chest of Drawers
Persis Russell Montague (1765-1851)
Petersham Town Records on Shays’ Rebellion
Petition for Reimbursement by Major Salah Barnard
Petition in favor of trolley on Deerfield’s Main Street
Petition of Convention of Hampshire County article from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Petition to General Shepard in the Hampshire Gazette
Petition to Selectmen of Deerfield regarding trolley
Petition to the Judges of the Superior Court
Phelps mourning embroidery
Photograph of Luke Day’s headquarters from the “Springfield Republican”
Photograph of Millers Falls Companies with WWII losses
Photograph Postcard “Second Baptist Church”
Photos of town of Ware and other Mass. towns from “The Complete Historical Record of New England’s Stricken Area, 9-21-1938”
Pickling Plant
Picnic, Mt. Sugar Loaf
Pint mug
Pipe box
Pitch pipe
Pitcher with engine turned decoration
Pitted stone
Plaid suit
Plans of Springfield, Chicopee Falls and Cabotville
Plans of the Higginson House on The Street in Deerfield
Plant of the Threadwell Tap & Die Company
Planting Potatoes
Plate “Massachusetts State House”
Plate and cup
Plate:”Landing of the Fathers at Plymouth”
Pleasant Street, Northampton, Mass.
Please Pose for the Camera!
Plot plan of land owned by Joseph Barnard
Pocumtuck Basket Makers
Pocumtuck Hotel
Pocumtuck standing on the Great Rock
Pod Auger
Poem on Shays’ Rebellion from The New-Haven Gazette and The Connecticut Magazine newspaper
Poets Seat, Greenfield, Mass.
Polly Stebbins (1792-1869)
Portrait of Lucy Terry Prince
Portrait of W. E. B. Du Bois
Portulaca flower
Post Rider, 1772-1773
Post-mortem child, possibly Glen O. Watson
Postcard to George Sheldon regarding trolley debate
Postcard to Mrs. Edward Wirt
Pot Hook
Pottery Vase
Powder Horn
Power of Attorney document, Eliezer Hawks
Prentiss Childs and Chum
Prisoner Halter
Proclamation by the Governor of The Compulsory Work Law
Proclamation regarding apprehension of Shays’ Insurgents published in the Hampshire Gazette
Proclamation regarding Shays’ Rebellion
Projectile point
Promissory Note of Hezekiah Newcomb
Promissory note to John Pynchon from John Hawks
Promissory note to Joseph Goodhue
Proposal of the 14th Amendment by Congress article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper
Prospect Hill School
Prospect House, Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Mass.
Public Vendue notice of Nathaniel Dickinson published in the Hampshire Gazette
Public Vendue notice to some residents of Charlemont published in the Hampshire Gazette
Public Vendue of land in Bernardston for non-payment of taxes to Caleb Chapin
Published letter to Thomas Grover from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Published letters concerning the Embargo of 1808
Pulsifer House
Puritan Village patterns from “Historical Atlas of Massachusetts”
Puritans Led Off in Captivity
Quality Control Lab Coat from Millers Falls Company
Quitclaim of land in Deerfield, Massachusetts
R. R. Station
Racetrack and Grandstand, Eastern States Expo.
Raffia and Other Baskets
Raffia Basket
Raffia Basket
Raffia Basket
Raffia Basket
Rail Road, Station, Northampton, Mass.
Railroad Arch Bridge, Deerfield
Railroad Station
Railroad Trestle Bridge
Railway Station
Railway Station, Athol, Mass.
Raw Silk
Reaping Grain
Rear of the Colrain
Reasons in Favor or Against the Trolley Route in Deerfield
Receipt for firearms of Theodore Barnard
Receipt of Caleb Phillips
Receipt of Cornelius Jones
Receipt of Seth Sheldon for dance tuition
Red Cross Club, Marseiles, France
Red Cross Volunteers
Red Rock
Red Ryder Toy Rifle and Book
Red slate gorget
Redware Platter
Redware teapot and top
Reed Basket
Reed Basket with cover
Reflector Oven/Roaster
Remnant of Burgoyne’s flag
Residence of Dwight L. Moody, East Northfield, Mass.
Resignation of William Stoddard Williams as surgeon
Resolution regarding town officers to take oaths published in the Hampshire Gazette
Resolve by Massachusetts Senate on soldier’s pay article from The Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser newspaper
Resolve by the State of Massachusetts-Bay requring all towns to supply a record of reimbursements made to soldiers & families
Resolve ordering Selectmen of Deerfield to record the town’s deaf and dumb population
Restoration Plans for Wells-Thorn House
Reverend Samuel Willard (1776-1859)
Reverend Stephen Williams (1693-1782)
Revolutionary flag remnant
Reward of Merit to Amos Hamilton
Reward of Merit to Luella May
Reward of Merit to Luella May
Reward of Merit to Luella May
Reward of Merit to Luella May
Rhoda Smith Bardwell (1775-1818)
Riding Crop
Rising Star Quilt
River Road House
River Road House
River Street in Conway
Riverside Inn, Chester, Mass.
Road in Highland Park
Road to Leyden
Robert Frost and granddaughters
Rock Cut on Mountainside, Mt. Tom
Roundabout Chair
Rowe Village, Rowe, Mass.
Rowland Stebbins (1794-1848)
Rudiments of Geography
Rudiments of Reading
Rufus Saxton (1824-1908)
Russell Cutlery Company Birds-Eye View
Russell House, Russell, Mass.
Ruth Strong Russell (1804-1869) Sampler
Salah Barnard’s Account Book
Samuel Willard Saxton (1829-1933)
Sap Bucket
Sarah Coleman’s shoe
Scene at Palmer Fair, Palmer, Mass.
Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the Division alloted to William Shepard and David Sexton to enumerate, 1790
School Street Looking East, Athol, Mass.
Schoolroom at the Mill and Bars: Recitation Day
Sconce-Candle Reflector
Scoring Ice with Ice Cutter
Screen Panel-“The Last Rose of Summer”
Screen Panel-“The Peacock”
Scythe snath handle
Seating “Negroes” in the Old Hadley meetinghouse
Seating of the Meeting House
Second Grade Class
Seminary Farm, East Northfield, Mass.
Serving Dish
Settlement of the Estate of John Stebbins
Sewing Machine
Shakespeare and the Spirit of Vision
Shampoo and Lotion products made by The Toiletine Company
Share of the Canada-Cuba Land and Fruit Company, Limited
Shelburne Committee addresses Selectmen of Deerfield in Town Warrant
Shelburne Falls
Shelburne Falls, Mass Birds-Eye View
Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Shelburne Falls, Mass., Looking West
Shelburne Town Meeting
Sheldon Tapestry cushion cover
Shell Gorget
Shirred Rug depicting the Sheldon House
Shoe buckles
Shoes of William Dorrell (1752-1846)
Shoes with buckles
Shot pouch
Side Chair
Side Chair
Side chair with leather upholstery
Sign-“A. Boyden’s Hotel”
Sign-“Franklin Savings Institution”
Sign-“Olde Deerfield Doll House”
Sign-“Who would Turn Back 2 Hundred Yeare, Let him A light & Enter Here”
Silhouette of Abigail (Whitney) Chandler (1786-1833)
Silhouette of Caroline Stebbins Sheldon (1789-1865)
Silhouette of Deacon Justin Hitchcock (1752-1822)
Silhouette of John Foster Stearns (1788-1872)
Silhouette of Persis Sheldon (1785-1804)
Sketch of the Union Naval Attack on Charleston Harbor
Sketch of Wilson Printing Office
Sketches of Brazil & Chile by Jeremiah Madison Doe on his voyage from Massachusetts around Cape Horn to California
Sleighing in a One-Horse Cutter
Smith College Observatory
Soapstone bullet mold
Soldiers moving down Federal Street
Some Apples and Potatoes – Eastern States Expo.
Some of the Beautiful Curves on the Mohawk Trail
Some pages of letter to Francis Higginson from father Stephen Higginson II
Sophia Smith Sampler
Sophie Dahowski and Infant
South Cove, North Pond
South Deerfield article from Gazette and Courier newspaper
South Deerfield Grammar School
South Deerfield House
South Deerfield, fountain
South Deerfield, Mass.
South Hadley
South Hadley Center, Mass.
South Main Street, Orange, Mass.
Southern papers suggest dissolution of the Confederation of States article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Souvenir Folder of Mohawk Trail, Mass.
Souvenir Snowshoes
Spinning Equipment
Spinning Jenny
Split Birch Broom
Splitting Froe or Frower
Springfield bicycle club displaying their trophies
Springfield percussion musket
Springfield, Mass. Court Square
Square-“Seaweed and Dragon Flies”
St. Ann’s Church
St. James / Monument Church
St. Stanislaus
Staged Capture
State of Rhode Island issueing of paper money and voting requirements published in the Hampshire Gazette
State Street, Springfield, Mass.
Steak Knife
Steam Roller
Steamer Trunk
Steatite Vessel
Steatite Vessel
Stock (tie)
Stone gouge with modern haft
Stoneware Churn
Stoneware Crock
Stoneware Crock
Stoneware Jug
Stoneware Storage Jug with lid
Straw Hat
Streetscape – Athol Center
Streetscape – Royalston Center
Streetscape – Royalston Common
Student Uniform
Suffrage letter to George Sheldon
Sugar Bowl with Lid
Sugar Box
Sugar cone
Sugar Loaf, South Deerfield, Mass.
Sugar Sack
Sugarloaf Street
Sugarloaf Street with Trolley
Sunburst and stars album quilt
Sunderland Bridge and Sugar Loaf Mountain
Sunderland Library
Sunderland, Mass. The Old Button Ball Tree
Supplies for Troops
Supply Deposit
Surveying Instrument
Sycamore Barrel
Syringes with Case
Table Knife
Table Knife
Table Rock, Mt. Sugarloaf
Tall case clock
Tape loom
Tax Assessment notice for town of Buckland
Tax Assessment notice to Town of Buckland
Tax Form F
Tax receipt of Alpheus Moore for Ebenezer Hinsdale’s property
Tax Receipt of Justin Hitchcock
Tax receipt of Justin Hitchcock
Tea and Coffee Service
Tea Canister
Tea gown or Dressing gown
Tea kettle
Tea Room
Teacher Certificate
Teapot – “Lafayette at the Tomb of Franklin”
Tent Tobacco Fields from Mt. Sugarloaf
Testamonial by Daniel Shays in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper
Thank you letter from Mrs. Hooper to Miss Wilson for supplies for Civil War soldiers
Thaxter Scott House
The Ashfield House, Ashfield, Mass.
The Big Bridge over the Deerfield River
The Birches Along the Mohawk Trail
The Boston Mob article regarding fugitive Shadrich in Gazette and Courier newspaper
The Bridge, Lake Pleasant, Mass.
The Centre, South Deerfield, Mass.
The Common, Greenfield Mass.
The Common, Worthington, Mass.
The Constitution of the Deerfield Temperance Society
The Country Builder’s Assistant
The Deerfield Valley from Whitcomb Summit
The Election article published in the Greenfield Gazette and Mercury newspaper
The Electoral Vote article published in the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
The Famous Wellworth Pharmacy
The Fire at the Hotel Warren
The First Home of Masonry in Western Massachusetts Built 1750. Orange, Mass.
The Green, Longmeadow, Mass.
The Hockanum Ferry, Northampton to Hadley
The Hoosac Range Looking West from Moore’s Summit
The Lofty Heights along the Trail
The Manual Alphabet for the Deaf and Dumb
The National First Reader, or Word-Builder
The North American Arithmetic. Part First for Young Readers
The Old Mill Wheel
The Old Oliver Tractor
The Park, South Hadley, Mass.
The Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Planet Dust Beater
The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion
The Reformed Pastor
The Rose
The Square-Showing Odd Fellows Hall, Savings Bank and Post Office, Orange, Mass.
The Square, Orange, Mass.
The Town that can’t be licked article published in the Daily Hampshire Gazette Bicentennial newspaper
The Washington County Mutual Insurance Company broadside
The Weldon
The Weldon Garage
The Weldon Hotel
The Weldon, The Terrace
The Western Battle Ground article published in the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper
The Whale Inn, On Route 9, Goshen, Mass.
The Young Reader, To Go With The Spelling Book
Thomas Wells distribution of property among children
Thomas Williams Ashley (1894-1918)
Threadwell Tap and Die Company’s Tap & Die set made in WWII
Three Athol Images from “Quabbin’s Railroad: The Rabbit”
Three Bridges over Green River
Three Bridges over the Deerfield River
Three Bridges over the Green River
Three Lavaliers on Chains
Three Panel Screen Embroidered with Trees
Throat Pump
Ticket to the Memorial Service of Abraham Lincoln
Tide of Immigration article in The Gazette and Courier newspaper
Tile: “Landing of the Pilgrims 1620”
Tilton Library
Timothy Edwards’ Sermon Notes
Tin-Glazed Earthenware Plate
Title page from “Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly”
To Nationalize the GREEN O HORSE RADISH
Toasting iron
Toasts for Independence
Tobacco and Onion Fields, Connecticut Valley
Tobacco Farmers
Tobacco Hatchet
Tobacco Plantation in the Connecticut Valley
Tobacco Wagon on Street
Top hat
Torquetum or astronomical apparatus
Town Hall
Town Hall and School
Town Hall in Conway
Town Hall, Montague, Mass.
Town Meeting
Town of Leverett Bill to John Clapp Jr. for Rufus Clary
Toy Kitchen Range
Toy Sewing Machine
Toy Tea Set
Toy Train
Trade Card of Hawks & Reed-Clothiers
Trade Card of the New Home Sewing Machine Company
Train Wreck along the Deerfield River
Trammel Hook
Travel passport for Mercy Carter’s sons
Trench Art
Tricorn Hat
Trolley Car
Trout Lily/ Adder Tongue Lily/ Dog’s Tooth Violet flower
Turners Falls Dam
Turners Falls Dam and Canal
Turtle effigy pipe fragment
Tuscarora beadwork sellers
Twin Potty Chair
Two Children Blowing Soap Bubbles
Two children feeding hens
Two pages from diary of Sophronia Grout on Religious Revival
Two-handled cup
Two-handled cups
U. S. Arsenal and Grounds, Springfield, Mass.
U. S. Post Office
Uncut glass tubular bead
Unidentified Girl
Uniform Coat
Uniform Gloves
Uniform Hat
Union Battery Invoice for Cannon and Expenses
Union Playing Card
Union Telegraph Line
Upper Suspension Bridge and View of Riverside, From Prospect Street, Turners Falls, Mass.
V-Day Brussels
V-Day Brussels
View Along Cold River, Eastern Slope of Mohawk Trail
View Along the Cold River, Eastern Slope of Mohawk Trail
View from “Sugarloaf”
View from Jutting Rock, Mt. Sugarloaf
View looking down from North Main Street, Orange, Mass.
View of Cheapside
View of Turner’s Falls, Mass.
Village Room
Village Room and Post Office
Village Street, Cummington, Mass.
Violinist and Pianist
Visit of Gov. Guild to Charlemont, Mass.
Vote of Franklin County
Votes of counties at the Massachusetts State Convention article published in the Hampshire Gazette
Voting Circular from the Whig State Central Committee
Wagon Jack
Wales St, Wales, Mass.
Wall Hanging-Apple Tree
Wallhanging-“The Blue Pool”
Wallhanging-“The Pear Tree”
Wallhanging-Rose Tree
Wallhanging-The Apple Tree
Wallhanging-Two Red Roses Across the Moon
Wampum shells
War club
War of 1812 Commemorative Pitcher
Ware Store Day Book [Vol. I]
Ware Store Day Book [Vol. II]
Warning Alarm
Warrant for Train Band parade
Warrant of Distress of Benoni Grover of Montague
Warwick, Mass. Gales Old Mill.
Washington Memorial
Watch fob with crystal drop
Water Pipe
Watering Place Looking up the Mountain Side
Wedding Dress
Wedding Dress
Wedding Dress
Wedding Gown
Wedding gown
Wedding Group
Wedding Ring of Mrs. Hannah (Taylor) Hoyt
Wedding shoes
Weeding Onions
Weighing Ice with Steelyard
Well Sweep
West Springfield’s Beautiful Riverdale Road Along the Connecticut
Western slope showing North Adams
Western slope showing North Adams
Westfield Map
Westfield State Teachers’ College
Whale Oil Lamp
Whale-oil Lamp
Where the Mohawk Trail Crosses the Hoosac Tunnel, Berkshire Hills
Where the Trail makes a perfect “S” near Charlemont
Whitworth Hand Tap & Die Set
Whole Cloth Quilt
Will of Edward Allyn
Will of Ephraim Williams
Will of Esther (Harding) Dickinson
Will of Lucinda Nims
Will of Persis Sheldon
Will of Zur Hawks
William Garrison speech to YMCA on “Liberty in its Relations to Popular Government” article from Gazette & Courier newspaper
William Montague (1760-1839)
William Russell House
William Stebbins (1817-1897)
Williamsburgh, Massachusetts
Willow Basket
Wine decanter
Wine Glasses
Winter Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade 3rd Division 2nd Corps, Stony Mountain, Virginia
Witt Residence
Woman washing
Woman with Stereoptican Viewer
Woman’s cap
Woman’s shoes
Woman’s Stays
Women dancing with sheaves of wheat
Women in Surrey
Women Vote article published in Gazette and Courier
Wood Mounted Bit
Wooden Canteen- Memorial Hall
Wooden inkwell
Wooden Tankard
Woodland outing
Work shoe
Workingmen’s Association broadside
World War I Encampment
World War I Toys
World War II Duffle Bag
World War II Helmet
Writ against Amos Thomas by John and Samuel Frink
Writ against Standish Foster by Daniel Coon
Writ and promissory note against John Wing of Conway
Writ of Amasa Smith against Abel Densmore
Writ of Martha Ruggles against Ebenezer Wells
Writing Armchair
Wrought iron candleholders
WWI Cartoons
WWI Dog Tags of Lt. Henry N. Flynt
WWI Helmet of Lt. Henry N. Flynt
WWI Letter from Thomas Williams Ashley
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett
WWI Message to Edward Roswell Wirt
WWI Toy Ambulance with Figures
WWI Toy Mounted Soldier and Horse
WWI Uniform of Lt. Henry N. Flynt
WWII Air Raid Warning Instructions
WWII Air Raid Warning Instructions Card
WWII Application for Home Canning Sugar Allowance
WWII Application for Renewal of Fuel Oil ration
WWII Blackout Memo Deerfield Residents
WWII CD Warden’s Report Form
WWII Class 3 Fuel Oil Ration coupons
WWII Class 4 fuel oil ration coupons
WWII Disabled American Veterans card of Frank Dahowski, Jr.
WWII Draft Registration Card of Caryll Crafts
WWII Fuel Ration Identification Folder
WWII Honorable Discharge card belonging to Frank Dahowski, Jr.
WWII letter on African-Americans
WWII letter regarding African Americans
WWII Mileage Ration Identification card
WWII Mileage Rationing Record
WWII political letter to Henry L. Clarke
WWII ration books and case
WWII Ration Mailing form
WWII Registration Card
WWII Sugar Purchase Certificate
WWII War Ration Book 2
WWII War Ration Book Four
Wysocki Onion Storage
Y.M.C.A., East Deerfield, Mass.
Young Men’s Christian Association Meeting
Young Woman with Guitar
Zebulon Graves invoice for use of horse